What is Footprinting?

Hackers League
3 min readSep 13, 2018


Today we can discuss about footprinting:

The process of gathering information about a target before hacked it is called footprinting. A target may be a computer system, person or anything related to them. Footprinting is also called reconnaissance or pre-attack. Because it is a initial phase before start hacking any computer system, person or anything related to them. Different tools, techniques and technologies are used in footprinting to gather information. This information is very useful and helpful for any hacker who wants to hacked any computer system, person or anything related to them. Different techniques are used for gathering information about the victim. Some of them are:

•: Crawling Technique:

This is a process of surfing the internet to gathered the information about the victim through different websites including social media websites. The hacker gathered all information about the victim which is public by his/her on his/her on website or personal social media accounts etc.

•: Search Engine Technique:

It is the process of gathering information about a victim through search engines like Google or Bing etc. In this process the hacker search his/her victim on the searches engine and collect all information which is on the particular search engine. This technique is normally used by black hat hackers to target any particular organization or company etc.

•: Whois Technique:

Whois is a web application which is used by hackers to gathered information about his/her victim. This web application is used to gathered information about victim website details like domain details, hosting server details and email addresses etc. This web application consists of a large database that is why it contains almost all websites information. The hacker can search the victim website by the victim website domain on the web application.

•: Physical Approach Technique:

This technique is used by hackers or attackers when his/her all turns failed. In this technique the hacker or attacker physically approach the organization or company which he/she target and collect it’s employees information and different information about the organization or company etc. The success rate of this technique is 50% to 70%.

In the last, I can tell you about behind the story of big attacks. In the behind of big attacks the hackers or attackers can collect a lot of information about his/her victim. Then the hackers or attackers can performed the hacking attacks.

My Opinion:

My opinion on this topic is this technique is very powerful. But I can tell you a pro tip. If you can used this technique you can safe himself or herself almost 50% and sometimes to 90%. The tip is private your all information on your all social media accounts. If you can run the website. So, this tip is very important for you because most of the website owners didn’t private his/her information and sometimes the website is hacked with this small mistake. So, always take care of your personal information.

I hope after reading this article you can know about what is footprinting. This is my opinion about this topic. If I can take any mistake please comment me and I am waiting for your response.

Thank You.

