What is Mass Mailer Attack?

Hackers League
2 min readApr 27, 2018


Today we can discuss about mass mailer attack:

Mass Mailer Attack is a type of social engineering attack in which large amount of mails is send to the victim to full its email inbox and crash it. This is mostly used by the hackers when a important mail is come to the victim device and the victim don’t know about that. The hackers can send large amount of spam mails and the victim inbox is crashed. If the inbox is not crashed, the spam mails is send in such a large amount that the important mail is hide in that spam emails. It is also called E-Bombing and SMS Attack.

This attack is a type of social engineering attack because in this attack the hackers can play with human brain. It is come in Kali Linux with social engineering toolkit. I can give you a example to explain this topic in more simple way.


Suppose an important email is come into your device but you don’t know about that but another person who is a hacker know about that. He can send large amount of spam emails in your inbox. When you open the inbox if the email server is not good first of all your inbox is crashed. If the email server is good. You can see the inbox there are thousands of emails in it. You can read only some emails but you don’t read the important email because first of all you don’t know about that and the second is that the spam emails are in such a large amount that the important email is hide between them.

The hackers used this attack for taking revenge and sometimes for fun.

I hope after reading this article you can know about what is mass mailer attack. This is my opinion about this topic. If I can take any mistake please comment me and I am waiting for your response.

Thank You.

