12 Days of Hackmas: 9 Reasons To Go To A Tech Event As A Non-Coder

3 min readOct 4, 2015


By Alfred Ly, Timothy Castillo, Janet Fang, Andy Lien, Jason Lin

Hackathons and Tech Events are not just limited to developers and tech junkies, here’s a list of reasons why everyone (and I mean everyone) should go to the next tech event in your area.

1) Make yourself a more well-rounded person by learning about a whole new world: computer science. Computers are ubiquitous and can be found in every industry around the world. From agriculture to zoology, some type of technology is used to make the magic happen. Learning how to code, or how a computer works, or why your computer does this when you do that are key components to giving you an upper hand in life. Having an understanding of the world of technology is a cornerstone to becoming a more well-rounded person as it opens the doors to so many other amazing opportunities in the world.

2) Puts you in a better position on how to go from an idea to a product. Have you ever came up with a problem, an app idea, and thought, “Gee, I bet many people will think my idea is useful,” but you don’t have a clue on how to get started? Going to tech events like hackathons will teach you the skills needed to get your idea from your own personal thought cloud to a fully working implementation.

3) Meet new people! Some of the largest parts of any tech events are the mixers and networking events that happen at any tech event. There is no better opportunity to meet new people and make connections with others than mixers specifically designed to bring together strangers with common interests.

4) Recruiters from the Silicon Valley love tech events. They often times find the diamonds amongst the rough of candidates for jobs. Hackathons and tech events are usually sponsored by major companies and big names. If you have ever been looking for a way “in” to a company, then look no further than at one of these events because recruiters are there and they are looking for the talent, skill and drive that their companies want.

5) Being surrounded by people who are passionate about the technologies that define our future. The tech community and hackathons are melting pots of perspectives, cultures, mindsets and values. The one variable that remains constant among everyone present is the passion to create a project they care about, or practice a skill they are interested in.

6) Learning how to code enables and encourages deep problem solving and will sharpen your abilities to troubleshoot problems. Combine that with #5, and you will become a powerhouse of a techie.

7) Ever wanted to find out what the next innovation in technology is? Look no further than at a Hackathon, where developers, designers, and , from all around the area utilize the latest tech, frameworks, and [blank], for their product. There are always opportunities for you to come join in on this innovative endeavor, and be at the bleeding edge of technology.

8) Be mentored by professionals in the industry! These people are usually experienced and eager to answer your questions.

9) Technical or not, you’ll take away more than just a project from a hackathon. Participating in hackathons enhances team-building skills that are transferrable to the workplace. Being able to work with other folks in the industry proves a valuable experience for interviews.

