How To Install Parrot OS: Turn Your PC Into A Hacking Machine

2 min readJan 15, 2019


Hello friends, In this post, you will learn how to install parrot os on PC. We will discuss two methods on how to install parrot os on PC. One is using virtualization and another is dual booting parrot os with your primary os.

So let’s dive right into it and look how to install parrot os on your PC.

By the way, if you are a complete beginner and want to learn about hacking from scratch then you must read this guide that I wrote for the complete beginners:hacking for beginners.

But first of all, what is Parrot OS?

Parrot Security OS is a Linux-based distribution that is specially designed for penetration testing purpose. You can say, that it is an Operating System having lots of Hacking tools.

Parrot Security OS comes preinstalled with a large number of Hacking tools which makes it a great platform to get a head start in Hacking world.

Also, there are many other Linux distributions which are used for penetration testing. The most commonly known of such distribution is the Kali Linux.

Now let me clear one thing, it doesn’t matter which distribution you choose because almost all of them are Linux-based.

That means you can use any Linux distribution on your PC and use it for penetration testing after installing the required tools (if the distribution you choose don’t have them preinstalled).

For example, you can use the Ubuntu OS for penetration testing.

But in this case, you first need to figure out which tool to use, from where and how to download it and how to install and configure it.

That’s why we use penetration testing distributions which comes with lots of hacking tools preinstalled so that we don’t need to hassle about installing tools and setting things up.

This is how Parrot OS looks like:

Read the full post at source How To Install Parrot OS: Turn Your PC Into A Hacking Machine.




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