HackLibra Winners

4 min readSep 18, 2019


Round 1 of HackLibra concludes!

HackLibra is Over. Long Live HackLibra!

Today we are finally announcing the winners of HackLibra. This announcement marks the end of four weeks of intensive hacking on top of Libra Core. We are proud to say that 7 teams from around the world bravely participated in this first round of Libra hackathon. Hacking on early blockchain technology can be very challenging. It’s been great to see the teams follow through and deliver on time.

Hackathon entries for Round 1

Below is a list of the teams that participated in the hackathon. We will give a brief description of each team’s project and then announce the winners.

Entry 1: JLibra

This team decide to work on a utility library to interact with Libra for Java applications. The library hides the complexity of the Libra gRPC API and signatures. The expected benefits will be of making it easy for apps to integrate with Libra.

Link: https://github.com/ketola/jlibra/blob/master/README.md

Entry 2: AbracaLibra

This project focused on building a wallet for the Libra Core testnet.

Link: https://abracalibra.online/

Entry 3: Price Oracle

This team worked on developing a dapp (decentralized application).
The application is capable of collecting data from outside sources.
The data is then provided to the Libra blockchain so that it can be consumed by other decentralised services.

Unfortunately the team didn’t provide any code after signup.

Entry 4: Libra Wallet POC

This project developed a proof of concept of a Libra wallet. With this project the team wanted to develop a wallet that makes it easy for users to send and receive Libra coins on their smartphones.

Link: https://github.com/kulapio/libra-wallet-poc

Entry 5: Help24

This team decided to work on implementing a slackbot capable of basic interaction with Libra, such as account creation, account import, balance check, token mint on the testnet and token transfer.

Link: https://github.com/cmaliwal/libra-slack-bot

Entry 6: Libra Auth

This team implemented an authentication method utilizing a transaction over the Libra testnet.

Link: https://github.com/toshirot/libra-auth

Entry 7: Sebra

Sebra is an MVP app for online vendors to collect payments/donations through Libra.

Link: https://github.com/jnsead/Sebra

And the winners are…

We are proud to finally announce the winners of the first edition of HackLibra.
It’s been an absolute pleasure to see the teams work diligently to create something that will hopefully benefit the Libra open source community. In our view, everyone who took part in the hackathon is a winner — experimenting on early and evolving technology isn’t always easy.

We hope that everyone who took part enjoyed the experience and learned a lot about Libra.

And now, without further ado, here are the winners of HackLibra:

Honorable mention:
Libra Auth

Very close to the submission deadline an update was made to Libra Core that, unfortunately, has broken the backwards compatibility for an open source library used by this project. The HackLibra judges decided that the work done on Libra Auth was praiseworthy, and the problems have since been resolved, but in fairness to other contestants, the fixes, which occured after the contest officially ended, cannot be considered valid. This forced us to lower the rating of the project, which nonetheless is worthy of a mention.
Congratulations Libra Auth, you live among the greats.

Third place:

Judges praise: A very usable tool that could lead to interesting developments once Libra gets going a bit more, Help24 is a solid starting point of many future tools, great work!

Second place:
Libra Wallet POC

Judges praise: Wallets are always the bedrock of any usable blockchain, and Libra Wallet POC creates a sturdy and well implemented one, good job!

First place:

Judges praise: The simplicity with which Sebra allows the integration of Libra in a frontend really captivated everyone in the judging panel, and builds on the idea that Libra should be as widely and as simply adopted by everyone. Congratulations!

🦓 🦓 🦓 🦓 🦓 🦓 🦓

To all of those who didn’t make it, don’t worry, you’ll have a second chance soon!

A quick thanks to our judges:

Our judging panel has been really fantastic, first of all by participating at all in this “experiment” of a community-driven hackathon, second of all by showing true professionalism and being always available, a true godsend when the organizing team and the judges themselves live all around the world. So thanks to:

Diego Torres, Federico Tenga, Mauricio Hernandes,
and a special thanks to our Judge Moderator Robert Schwentker, who’s experience, knowledge and plain hard work helped us get along with this contest!

Thank you!

We, the organizers behind HackLibra, want to take this opportunity and thank all the people who made HackLibra possible.

First of all, thank you to all the developers who attended this first ever Libra hackathon!

Thanks to the Libra team for taking part in our developer community.

Thank you, again, to all the judges for accepting the important responsibility of carefully grading submissions, and picking the winners.

And finally, thank you to the Libra Devs community for housing HackLibra — making it easier for the participants to join a team, ask questions and get help.

What’s next?

Even though Libra got a rocky start, we believe that it’s just getting started.

Anyone who’s been around the blockchain space for a while will agree that ups and downs are simply signs of early disrupting technology. So keep calm and Libra!

Our impression is that the HackLibra initiative was well received and appreciated by the Libra community. We close this newsletter by saying: Thank you! We look forward to seeing all of you in the Libra Devs community to continue learning and developing on Libra.

Join Libra Devs community on:
Discord: https://discord.gg/XyS25F6

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/DAQb4RSNpqEok3p-QdmaKQ

Cheers to all,
HackLibra Organizer & Judging Team




Join us for a four week online hackathon to build the future with Libra and compete for awesome prizes.