Ready-to-use Image: Raspbian Stretch + ROS + OpenCV

2 min readDec 10, 2017


(Update 11/2/2018) Updated image with 2018–10–09 Stretch Lite Raspbian…

For those who don’t want to / cannot use Ubuntu Mate with your Raspberry Pi-based ROS robot, ROSbots creates and maintains a disk image of Raspbian Stretch Lite with ROS Kinetic and OpenCV installed.

What is ROSbots?

Our ROS+OpenCV Raspbian image is the software foundation that runs our ROSbots ROS+OpenCV robot kit for Makers.

The ROSbots robot kit allows you to do stuff like apply robot control theory to a real robot.

ROSbots — ROS + OpenCV Robot Kit

The image itself does not have the ROSbots software stack on it — only ROS and OpenCV — so you are free to use it for your own ROSbots-agnostic robot application.

Before you download the image…

We host the images on S3 and the downloads cost us quite a bit per month.

While we don’t ask for payment, please sign up to stay in touch with relevant ROS + OpenCV updates, promo offers on our ROSbots website.

Disk Images

(Update 11/2/2018)
Raspbian Stretch Lite 2018–10–09 + ROS Kinetic + OpenCV 3.4.1

The image requires a 16 GB Micro-SD card or larger.

After downloading the image, follow the “Use the existing ROSbots Raspbian image…” instructions to dd your image and get it set up.

Run into issues or have suggestions to improve, want to say hi, have ideas to collaborate, feel free to reach out.

Jack “ROSbots Maker”

