What is a cloudburst and how does it happen?

Hadeeqa Noor
2 min readAug 20, 2022


What is a cloudburst and how does it happen? There are lots of different types of precipitation that fall from the sky, like rain, sleet, and snow. But how do they form? How can we stay safe when it starts snowing? What is the difference between them? We’ve got answers to all these questions, as well as more information about the specific weather phenomenon known as cloudbursts. Let’s get started!

Definition of Cloudburst

Cloudbursts occur when a sudden release of water occurs from a cumulonimbus cloud, associated with thunderstorms. Typically, a cloudburst is defined as an excess of rainfall that exceeds the ground’s capacity to absorb it. When this occurs, waterfalls very rapidly, causing flash flooding and even mudslides. Hale may also occur in some cases. If you live in an area prone to cloudbursts, you should be aware of them, since they can be extremely dangerous.

Causes of Cloudbursts

A cloudburst can occur when either warm air or cool air rises very quickly. Warm air rises because it is less dense than the cooler air around it. The rising air will eventually reach an area where the pressure is too low and the water vapor will condense into water droplets. If enough of these droplets condense, they will form a cloud. When the pressure in the atmosphere decreases, even more, the cloud will burst and release all of its water at once, causing a cloudburst. Cloudbursts usually only last for a few minutes but can still be dangerous to people and animals on the ground.

For complete details visit:https://www.sciencefacts-web.com/2022/08/what-is-cloudburst-and-how-does-it.html

