Cristiano Ronaldo’s Impact on the Future of Saudi Arabian Football

Hadeer Ashraf
3 min readJan 21, 2023


Cristiano Ronaldo is widely considered one of the greatest football players of all time, and his recent move to a Saudi Arabian football club has sparked a lot of discussion and debate about the future of the sport in the country. The transfer of a global superstar like Ronaldo has the potential to bring a great deal of attention and investment to Saudi Arabian football, helping to establish the country as a major player in the sport.

One of the most significant ways that Ronaldo’s move to Saudi Arabia could impact the future of football in the country is by inspiring young Saudi Arabian players to pursue their own dreams of becoming professional footballers. Ronaldo’s success on the pitch serves as a powerful example of what is possible with hard work and dedication, and his presence in the Saudi Arabian league could help to motivate a new generation of players to work hard and strive for excellence.

Another way that Ronaldo’s move to Saudi Arabia could impact the future of football in the country is by attracting more international attention to Saudi Arabian football clubs. With Ronaldo on the roster, Saudi Arabian teams are likely to receive more media coverage and attract more fans, both domestically and internationally. This increased attention could help to generate more revenue for the clubs, which in turn could be used to invest in better facilities, coaches and players, helping to improve the overall quality of football in the country.

Additionally, Ronaldo’s move to Saudi Arabia could also have a positive impact on the country’s economy. The increased attention and investment in Saudi Arabian football could lead to more job opportunities in the sports industry, and could also help to drive tourism and boost the country’s reputation.

However, Ronaldo’s move to Saudi Arabia also raises concerns about human rights in the country. With the regime being accused of numerous human rights violations, including the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the treatment of women and minorities, some argue that by moving to Saudi Arabia, Ronaldo is indirectly supporting these policies.

In conclusion, Cristiano Ronaldo’s move to Saudi Arabia could have a significant impact on the future of football in the country. It could inspire young players, attract more international attention, generate more revenue for clubs and boost the country’s economy. However, it also raises concerns about human rights in the country. It is important that the country addresses these concerns and ensures that the investments in football aligns with a commitment to human rights.

by\ Hadeer A. Shalkany



Hadeer Ashraf

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