Eat that Frog with Pomodoro

Hadia Naz
5 min readAug 27, 2021


In this modern age every one is busy in doing his/her work but most of us don’t know how to do specific task efficiently in specific time. Most of the people are distracted by many factors while doing his/her task. These factors include excess use of social media, daydreaming, gossips, mental and physical health and many other distractions. In short we are delaying our work due to some reasons, the PROCRASTINATION is the best word for this situation. Procrastination is the delaying or putting off the task until last minute or past their deadline.

Procrastination is also the needlessly postponing work, decisions and actions.

I also do procrastinate, the reasons behind my procrastination is the excess use of social media, novels reading, depression/hopelessness that I have capacity todo this work/task or not, and find difficulty in doing complex task. Now here I am discuss common reasons for procrastination are not know how to do, not in the mood to do task, forgetting to do specific work, don’t care of doing some task etc.

Now comes to the point that “Eat that Frog with Pomodoro”. It means that to kick out the procrastination habit or eat a frog with Pomodoro. Pomodoro technique was developed in late 1980s by then university Francesco Cirillio. Cirillio was struggling in doing his studies and assignments on time. He challenged himself to focus on his work for 10 minutes. So to did this challenge he found a tomato(Pomodoro in Italian) kitchen timer, and Pomodoro technique was developed.

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that can help you to increase productivity and also a system to improve time management by dividing the task/work in fragments.

Now I am practically tell you and also trying myself to understand the Steps of Pomodoro technique by an example that I did.

Step 1# The task that I performed

No matter how long or short the task is but the real concern is to complete the task by managing time and with less distractions. At start we may be face more distractions but later when we use this technique we will able to do work with no distractions. Today I decided to complete my online course whose name is Introduction to nutrition and heath and relationship between them. This was total 4 hours course but my today’s target was to did it of 2 hours.

Step 2# Set the Pomodoro timer

I think this is the most important step of this technique to set a timer for 25 minutes. Through this time we are able to mange the time and know that in how much time we can do specific work/task. At this step I set the time of 25 minutes.

Pomodoro technique helps in time management

Step 3# Work on task until the Pomodoro timer rings

After setting the Pomodoro timer I was started to doing my task. My task wat to watched the videos carefully and made their notes for future use and for my reminder and I did it. But during this many things came into my mind and I was distracted, in short many distraction popped into my head. These were Instagram, Novels that calling me continuously(hahaha), my over, over and over thinking, depression of making resume. But at last I did it and the was Riiiinnggggg THE POMODORAL TIMER.

Step 4#Put a star/tick on piece of paper

Then I put star on piece of paper that I had done with first fragment of work. This star reminds you that you did it or also you can do anything in future.

Step 5# Take a break of 2–5 minutes

If you did 25 minutes work this means you are passionate and energetic, now its time to take break. During this break I made tea for myself because I am lover of tea.

Step 6#Do more Pomodoros

Total I did 5 Pomodoros to complete my task/online course(half) and put stars on piece of paper. But after 4 Pomodoros I took break or 30 minutes. During this break I was doing my exercise (walk) and then did remaining 1 Pomodoro to complete my task.

Was this experiment difficult for yo me or not that difficult?

I used this technique for first time. I faced a lot of difficulties like many distractions popped in my head, difficult to mange time during first 2–3 Pomodoros, difficult to focus on my work due to shortage of time(according to me) and I think its simple technique but difficult to perform/focus on this.

Did it help you accomplish more or about the same?

Despite of facing difficulties this technique also helps me a lot to mange time. This technique teaches me that time management is important in every task and our task needs full attention, so we must do our task with time management and full attention. Before using this technique i was doing many works at a time for example eating, use mobile and doing work but this teaches me that at a time do that work with full passion and hard work which is important.

Do I plan on doing this again regularly, and what will I do to improve the experience?

I must plan to do this technique again and again because it is very helpful, little bit difficult to follow but simple. By this technique I was able to did my work in just 2.5 hours which is good thing for me because if I not set the alarm and made star on piece paper, it may cause difficulty for to completing my task. I think to achieve the smart goals this is the tiny step to follow Pomodoro technique. By this technique one can focus on his/her work, save from so many distractions, less depressed by doing work on time and most important this technique improves the productivity.

For the next time I use Pomodoro timer for doing my mostly task, I can improve this experience by focus/doing work in specific set Pomodoro, Make tick on piece of paper for every Pomodoro. In short use this technique as it is to improve my experience with this technique.

