How to Build a Simple Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

3 min readMar 28, 2019
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“AI is the new electricity.” — Andrew Ng

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are inspired by the human brain and are built to simulate the interconnected processes that humans do: thinking.

Side-by-side illustrations of biological and artificial neurons.

Basically, an ANN consists of the following components:

Best way to understand neural networks is to build one from scratch, without using any deep learning library. In this article, we will be exactly doing this, with Python.

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” — Linus Torvalds

So, we have above table. As we humans, we directly understand the output is always equal to the first column value of input section.

We will create and train an artificial neural network, and it will predict the output value for given new input value, as provided in the last row.

Let’s create our neural network class. Yes, we said we will not use any deep learning library, but we will use numpy for calculations. You can install with:

pip install numpy
Artificial Neural Network class definition.

We have created the class and created randomly generated synaptic weights.

The activation function used in our model will be sigmoid. This function can map any value to a value from 0 to 1. We will use this function to normalize the weighted sum of the inputs.

Sigmoid Functions

The think() function will take an array as input, and will return the dot product of input and the weight matrix.

Prediction Algorithm

Now we are ready to train our artificial neural network to make an accurate prediction. Every input will have a weight, which may be either positive or negative, where we assigned randomly in the beginning. These weights needs to be changed, cannot be static values. Otherwise it will not be a “learning”. So, how we will change these values?

The answer is; Back-Propagation.

We will predict from train set input, calculate the error since we know the result, do the adjustments, and do all these 3 steps over and over again (about 10.000 times) to fine tune weights.

Training Stage

Now we are ready to sail towards the unknown!

Main execution block.

This is the output when we ran the code:

> python
Weights in the Beginning:
[[ 0.85619597]
[ 0.44821289]
[ 0.39085635]]
Weights After Training:
[[ 8.96880175]
[-4.3796263 ]]
The answer for [1 0 1 0] is: 1
> python
Weights in the Beginning:
[[ 0.13915639]
[ 0.13890921]
[ 0.80830971]]
Weights After Training:
[[ 8.94700038]
The answer for [0 0 1 0] is: 0

Here you can find the entire code for this simple artificial neural network.

Thanks for reading!

