Service Mesh with Linkerd2 | pt. 2

4 min readMay 11, 2023


In the first part of our service mesh journey, we talked about “What is Service Mesh and why we chose Linkerd2?”. In this second part, we will be talking about the problems we faced and how we solved them.

Problem #1: Apache ZooKeeper Leader Election

Apache Pulsar is a cloud-native, multi-tenant, high-performance distributed messaging and streaming platform originally created at Yahoo!

Apache Pulsar uses Apache Zookeeper for metadata storage, cluster configuration, and coordination. After we meshed Zookeeper with Linkerd2, K8s restarted the pods one-by-one but they stuck in “CrashloopBackOff”.

We’ve checked the logs and saw that ZooKeeper cannot communicate with other cluster members. We dig more and found out Zookeeper nodes are unable to elect a leader due to mesh. ZooKeeper servers listen on three ports: 2181 for client connections, 2888 for follower connections — if they are the leader and 3888 for other server connections during the leader election phase.

Then, we checked the documentation and found the “skip-inbound-ports” and “skip-outbound-ports” parameters of the Linkerd2 sidecar. Once we add 2888 and 3888 ports to skip for inbound/outbound, then establishing quorum did work. Since these ports are for internal Zookeeper pod communication, it was OK to skip mesh.

This is a common problem for all service meshes if you use an application with leader election, such as; Pulsar, Kafka, etc. and this is the workaround.

Problem #2: Fail-Fast Logs

We’ve started meshing our applications one by one. Everything was fine, until meshing one of the AI services, let’s call it application-a. We have another application running as 500+ lightweight pods, let’s call it application-b, which are making requests with gRPC to application-a.

After 1 or 2 mins of successful mesh, we were seeing hundreds of Failed to proxy request: HTTP Logical service in fail-fast errors in application-b. We've checked the source code of linkerd-proxy the repository, and we've found the place where this log was printed but couldn't understand the error message. I mean, what is HTTP Logical service?

So we’ve opened an issue to Linkerd2 via GitHub. They took a close interest in the issue and tried to help us to solve it, even released a special package to debug the issue.

After all discussions, it turns out the value of “max_concurrent_streams” set on application-a, which was 10, was not enough to handle requests. Linkerd2 made it visible. We’ve increased the value from 10 to 100. No more fail-fast errors.

Special thanks to @olix0r and @hawkw from the Linkerd2 team.

Problem #3: Outbound Connection Before Sidecar Initialization

We have a few applications making HTTP calls during application start-up. It needs to fetch some information before serving requests. So the application was trying to make an outbound connection before the Linkerd2 sidecar initialization, hence it was failing. K8S was restarting the application container (not the sidecar container) and during that time the sidecar was ready. So it was running fine after 1 application container restart.

Again, this is another common problem for all service meshes. There is no elegant solution for this. The very simple solution is putting “sleep” during startup. There is an open issue on GitHub and a solution offered by Linkerd2 guys, which I believe requires much more work than putting “sleep”.

We left it as is. 1 automatic application container restart was solving the problem already.

Problem #4: Prometheus

Prometheus is an open-source cloud-native application used for monitoring and alerting. It records real-time metrics in a time series database with flexible queries and real-time alerting.

Linkerd2 stores its metrics in a Prometheus instance that runs as an extension. Even though Linkerd2 comes with its own Prometheus instance, we were using Prometheus already in our platform, and we just needed to re-use it.

Linkerd2 had a beautifully documented tutorial that allows you to bring your own Prometheus instance. We followed it and everything was working fine until we mesh an application that uses PushGatewayfrom Prometheus to push our own internal metrics asides from the ones produced by Linkerd2.

PushGateway is an intermediary service which allows you to push metrics from jobs which cannot be scraped/pulled.

After mesh, the 500+ lightweight pods started to push metrics over the sidecar proxy. We started having memory issues on the PushGateway side and we skipped the mesh for 9091 (PushGateway port) from 500+ pods.


Not everything is easy-peasy as Arya killed the Night King. Making changes in a running system has always been difficult. We knew we would be facing some obstacles while integrating with Linkerd2, yet we solved our problems one by one.

Now we’re living happily ever after.


