Why Is My Medium Article Not Indexed by Google? Unveiling the Mystery

Understanding the Implications of ‘Noindex’ Robot Meta Tag and Its Impact on SEO

Hendrawan Hadikusuma
5 min readJul 15, 2023
Illustration depicting a perplexed writer looking at a computer screen with a question mark, representing the mystery of Medium articles not being indexed by Google.
Google Search Console Index — unsplash.com

Hey there, fellow writers! Have you ever wondered why your meticulously crafted Medium articles don’t seem to appear in Google search results? In this article, we’re diving into the mystery of why your Medium articles may not be indexed by Google. We’ll explore the implications of the “noindex” robot meta tag and how it affects your article’s visibility in search engines. Get ready to unravel the secrets of indexing and its impact on your SEO efforts.

The Intrigue of Non-Indexing:

Decoding the ‘Noindex’ Tag Have you come across the term “noindex” while exploring the world of SEO? It’s an intriguing concept that plays a crucial role in determining whether search engines like Google index your Medium articles. In this section, we’ll break down the meaning of the ‘noindex’ robot meta tag and why it may have been set for your Medium articles. Let’s dive deep into the realm of indexing and understand its impact on search engine visibility.

The Impact on SEO:

Unveiling the Visibility Conundrum So, what does it mean when your Medium articles are set to ‘not-index’ by robots? This section uncovers the implications of this setting on your SEO efforts. We’ll explore how the absence of indexing affects your article’s discoverability, organic traffic, and overall search engine ranking. Buckle up as we delve into the world of SEO implications and discover how you can improve your visibility in search engine results.

Optimizing for Indexing:

Strategies for Increased Visibility While the ‘noindex’ setting may pose challenges, fear not! There are steps you can take to enhance your article’s visibility and increase the likelihood of being indexed by Google. In this section, we’ll provide practical strategies and best practices to optimize your Medium articles for indexing. From crafting an engaging and SEO-friendly title to writing compelling meta descriptions, optimizing headings and subheadings, incorporating relevant keywords, and building backlinks, we’ll equip you with the tools to boost your article’s visibility and maximize its potential for success.

It’s important to note that sometimes Medium’s robot may set your articles to ‘not-index’ if you haven’t been active enough in posting or contributing to other articles. While this can impact your article’s visibility, there are still strategies you can employ to improve your chances of being indexed by Google and boosting your overall SEO performance. Let’s explore some detailed strategies to optimize your Medium articles for better visibility.

#1 Maintain a Consistent Publishing Schedule

Regularly publishing new articles on Medium can signal to the platform’s algorithm that you are an active and engaged writer. Aim to establish a consistent publishing schedule that aligns with your capacity and allows you to consistently contribute valuable content. By demonstrating your commitment to creating and sharing articles, you increase the likelihood of your articles being indexed by search engines.

#2 Engage with Other Writers and Publications

Active engagement within the Medium community is vital for improving your visibility and indexing potential. Comment on other writers’ articles, participate in discussions, and contribute to relevant publications. By engaging with others, you establish relationships, gain exposure to new audiences, and increase the chances of your articles being shared and linked to. This activity can positively influence the Medium robot’s indexing decision.

#3 Optimize Your Profile and About Section

Your Medium profile plays a role in establishing your authority and credibility as a writer. Optimize your profile by providing a clear and concise bio, highlighting your expertise, and including relevant links to your website or social media profiles. Additionally, craft an engaging and informative About section that showcases your writing style and captures readers’ interest. A well-optimized profile can make a positive impact on your article’s visibility and indexing.

#4 Leverage Relevant Tags and Categories

When publishing your article on Medium, ensure you select relevant tags and categories. These help categorize and organize your content, making it easier for search engines and readers to discover. Choose tags and categories that accurately represent the topic and focus of your article. Conduct keyword research to identify popular and relevant tags that align with your content. This optimization technique can increase the chances of your articles appearing in search engine results.

#5 Promote Your Articles Beyond Medium

While Medium is a powerful platform, don’t limit your promotional efforts solely to the platform itself. Share your articles on social media channels, promote them through your personal website or blog, and leverage your email newsletter to reach a wider audience. By actively promoting your articles, you increase their visibility, attract more readers, and potentially generate backlinks, which can positively impact indexing and SEO.

#6 Encourage Engagement and Social Sharing

Encourage readers to engage with your articles by incorporating calls-to-action within your content. Ask questions, invite comments, and encourage social sharing. Engagement signals to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant, potentially leading to improved indexing. Additionally, social sharing can expose your articles to new audiences, increasing the likelihood of backlinks and boosting your article’s visibility.

#7 Monitor Analytics and Optimize Accordingly

Regularly monitor the performance of your articles using Medium’s analytics or other tracking tools. Analyze metrics such as views, reads, and engagement to gain insights into what resonates with your audience. Use this data to optimize future articles, adjust your strategies, and refine your approach to improve visibility and indexing potential.

Remember, while the ‘not-index’ setting may be influenced by your activity level, employing these optimization strategies can positively impact your article’s visibility and search engine indexing. Stay active, engage with the Medium community, and promote your content beyond the platform to maximize your article’s potential.


Congratulations! You’ve unraveled the mystery of why your Medium articles might not be indexed by Google. By understanding the meaning of the ‘noindex’ robot meta tag and its impact on SEO, you’re now equipped to optimize your content for better visibility and search engine ranking. Remember, visibility plays a vital role in attracting readers and expanding your audience. If you found this article helpful, consider buying me a coffee to support more content like this. Don’t forget to follow me on Medium.com for further insights and writing adventures.

Get ready to take control of your indexing destiny and watch your Medium articles soar to new heights of online visibility!



Hendrawan Hadikusuma

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