Nihari, the morning treasure of the Noblemen

Paola de la g
2 min readJan 10, 2019


Nihari: Photo by: foodu.pk0

One of the most iconic and delicious dish from old Delhi is the irreplaceable nihari.

The word Nihari originated from the arabic word “Nahar” that means morning.

This energey-booster dish was originated in Delhi at the time of the mughal Empire when the “Nawabs" or noblemen came from the morning prays to eat it as a nourishing plate.

After partition of Hindustan in 1947 the Indian origindish migrated to Karachi where is very well known along the state.

This slow-cooked stew made of goat,beef,chiken or even camel meat used to be prepared during all night to be served by emperators for free to workers, the early breakfast tradition remains until our days but the dish can be eaten at any suitable time.

Now with the cooking technology and ready made “masala" we can get done the nihari in less than half of the time that used to take to be cooked, for example using Shan Nihari recipe takes around 3 to 6 hours and if the meat is previously cooked in the pressure cooker the time can be reduced even more.

If you do not like to cook or you just want to have an experience with the original taste then you could pay a visit to Kallu Nihari in New Delhi, Javed Nihari in Karachi or if you are in Abu Dhabi a great option could be New Nemat Kadah or Sahar Restaurant with autentic typical Nihari.

The nihari is for sure a culinary history jewel that must be tasted.

Lots of love and blessings.

Paola de la Garza.



Paola de la g

Explorer/ Mom/ Foodie/ Dance fan/ Science lover......." Because every picture tells a story"