Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsCase Study: Embodied Carbon Dashboards from BIM, an Integration with VIM & 2050 MaterialsGo in minutes from BIM files to beautiful embodied carbon dashboards.Oct 9Oct 9
Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsWhy a BIM Library With Embodied Carbon Data might be the Perfect Climate NudgeMost BIM libraries lack sustainability data. Adding that data is a perfect nudge for climate-neutral design.Sep 10Sep 10
Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsOut with the Black-Box LCA Software, In with the DataHiding the data behind LCA software is not going to change the industry. Access to the data will.Sep 10Sep 10
Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsData Insights by 2050 Materials: The Furniture Industry’s lack of environmental information to…Where are the furniture EPDs…?Aug 8Aug 8
Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsDeep Dive into 5 Products and Technologies that can enable Concrete to Reduce its Climate Impact.5 technologies and products that can slash carbon out of concrete.Aug 2Aug 2
Phanos Hadjikyriakou6+1 Insights on Data, Climate, and Digital Construction after 3 Years of Talking to the AEC…In the past three years, I’ve been in hundreds of conversations with stakeholders across the AEC industry. Here’s a summary.Jul 29Jul 29
Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsUnderstanding How the AEC Industry Calculates Embodied Carbon in 2024There’s a few ways to calculate embodied carbon. Do you know all of them?Jul 25Jul 25
Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsData Insights by 2050 Materials: Embodied Emissions of Steel across different countriesWhich countries have the lowest steel emissions?Jul 23Jul 23
Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsNet Zero is a Data Integration ProblemIntegrating climate data into day-to-day processes can unlock climate neutrality. Net zero is a few integrations away.Jun 26Jun 26
Phanos Hadjikyriakouin2050 MaterialsLeveraging the Python library AECData for Embodied Carbon BenchmarksEmbodied Carbon Benchmarks, anyone?May 20May 20