SmartConnect — a Python Tool to improve your Workflow in Houdini

Philipp Hafellner
2 min readMay 15, 2020


Since I am using Sidefx Houdini I am just amazed by node based tools — it’s agile, flexible, non-destructive — But in comparison to other 3D Software it feels like you need more clicks. Therefore I was looking out for some improvements which would speed up the working process of my team.

70% percent of my time gets lost with (re-) wiring nodes. — A frustrated Artist

This tool focuses on one fundamental UI interaction — the connection of nodes and its improvement.

SmartConnect speeds up my wiring actions by 90% percent. — A satisfied Artist

→ get the tool on Github

Connect the last two selected nodes

Connect the last two multiple selected nodes — based on their position

How to install

  1. Create a new shelf tool
  2. Name it
  3. Copy the code of the tool into the script section
  4. Assign one single hotkey

Things to note: activate the script by pressing the assigned hotkey one time — then the script recognizes selected nodes in the network editor

Upcoming Features

  • improved VOP/Mat Node Handling
  • no destruction of already connected inputs
  • if you have any ideas or improvements you are looking for — give me a comment

