Hafiz Talha
4 min readJul 28, 2023


Presently you can securely put resources into gold because of the digital gold project,it's an undertaking that has been ready for certain months now,it's a stablecoin that is upheld by gold.what that implies is that 1gram of gold is equivalent to 1 token,it's irrefutable and auditable by anyone,so nobody can mint tokens that are not supported by gold,what this stage offers everybody is that not exclusively will national banks be the ones to purchase and put resources into gold,anyone anyplace can securely put resources into gold from the solace of their home. You can get it straightforwardly from the digital or from another trade.
Before we dig profound into the project,let's gander at a portion of the issues that one confronting the buy and getting of gold.


Of the issues that accompanies the purchasing of gold is that of AUTHENCITY,you need to pose a straightforward inquiry like in the event that I go there to purchase gold from an actual gold shop,how do I have any idea that this gold that will be offered to me is a unique gold,because somebody could have something almost identical to gold,and gold coat it to make it seem to be genuine gold,only for you to buy it and return home and find that you have recently been deceived. Exactly the same thing happens when individuals go to the market to purchase jewellry,they share with them "this is gold jewellry",only for them to return home and see that it's phony.

Subsequently, of SECURITY,so are you going to the actual store to purchase gold,the next question is where will you store it,are you wanting to store it at home,how secure is your home from theft,when you purchase gold from those stores you are constrained to submit KYC data that can be in the possession of anybody.

The third issue is that of CUSTODY,you could go the course of self care and be presented to the security takes a chance with that accompanies it or you could give them out to an outsider guardianship provider(e.g banks and others) for a charge. Presently you most component in the expense paid for keeping them and contrast it with how much gold you really own.

The following issue is that of AVAILABILITY,by this we mean how accessible or open is the means for purchasing gold,we are compelled to stroll into an actual area to purchase it,these shops are obliged by time.

So we have contacted four issues : AUTHENCITY,SECURITY,CUSTODY AND Accessibility


The digital gold token is a panacea to every one of these problems,it's a remarkable undertaking among stablecoins.
Obviously ,Digital currencies as a resource class are very good,they are permissionless and simple for anybody to buy and hold however they are palgued by an intense imperfection and it's that of incredibly volatility,we have appear to be these resources expansion in cost extremely fast and drop in cost quickly too.

So why not we take the innovation that powers digital currencies and use it to construct a resource that is a subordinate of a genuine world or substantial resource,
There are three sorts of resource coins,we have the fiat supported coins(like USDT,USDC),algorithm or code baacked coins(DAI,ACA),asset upheld coins(like gold,silver,metals and so on)

Why digital gold token is one of a kind?

The main issue we discussed was that of AUTHENTICITY,now that is taken consideration of,the gold is bought by the parent organization and evaluated by outsider review organizations.
Next we discussed the issue of Protection and SECURITY,you purchase the symbolic portrayal of real gold in the most private and secure way,next we discussed the issue of CUSTODY,you move the tokens with zero expenses charged,now for guardianship they are the one in control and the expenses charged are close irrelevant as it under 1%.
Next highlight is that it's promptly accessible and accessible,you can trade it whenever you need.

Where might you at any point purchase gold tokens

You might the digital gold token from various trades at some point like Cryptex,Bitforex and a large group of others or you can undoubtedly purchase if from the online digital just have to finish up the structure with how much worth of gold you mean to purchase and the money of decision you plan to pay with.
You really want some place to store your gold : You can store the tokens on a various wallets like Guarda , TrustWallet,MyEtherWallet,Metamask and some other ERC 20 upheld wallet.

Try not to Rest ON THE Valuable chance TO Buy SOME GOLD FOR YOURSELF.
This is the ideal opportunity TO Reserve UP GOLD

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Author Details:

Bitcointalk Username: hafiztalha

ETH address: 0x30DAaA772401d0cDbfd54a8802195E80743697bc

