Qualities That You Should Look In A Mentor To Learn Forex Trading

Hafizzat Rusli
4 min readAug 28, 2019


Going through our posts you must have realized the value of having a mentor if you are into Forex trading. Whether you are a freshman or a seasoned and experienced Forex trader, It is important to have a Teacher to guide you with your basic learning and decision making while trading in the foreign exchange market. Since it is so important to find the right teacher you would not want to be caught with a person who is just pretending to be a good teacher. If you want to know all the qualities that should be seen in a good teacher, then you need to know a few things that we have described in detail further in this article.

Hafizzat Rusli

1. Should Have Significant Amount Of Experience As A Trader

There has been no degree that you would need to be a trader in the Forex market and neither is there any such college. Though there are teachers like Hafizzat Rusli who have dedicated themselves towards helping aspiring traders. Rusli and other genuine teachers like him have had a good experience of both ups and downs during their careers. This experience is now their knowledge which they share with the students in their classes. So it is important that the teacher you are seeking for guidance should have enough experience of trading themselves too. A teacher with a merely vast knowledge of various strategies and theories does not have the practical experience and thus he or she will not be able to guide you well about the implementation part. The experienced Forex traders know the theories for sure but they also know in what scenarios they can fail and how can you still make a comeback.

2. Should Have The Talent To Make Even The Most Complicated Topics Easy To Understand

If you have ever tried reading a trading strategy or technique in a book or some other source you must have found things hard to understand for a while. It has been seen that the freshmen in Forex trading have had a hard time simplifying the complicated concepts of books. The clarity sometimes comes with either a long duration of time or sometimes even because of the losses.

A good teacher will be able to make you understand all the basic and complicated theories very easily. It is because they have experienced the hardship, though because of these difficulties itself they have been able to simplify them. Easier the things will be to learn, faster you will be implementing them and start moving towards your goal. This will also help you gain your confidence also.

How To Choose The Right Mentor?

1. Ask For Proofs And Results

You have the right to ask your mentor for proofs and they have a duty of satisfying your apprehensions. A genuine mentor who has had a good experience and has also been successful will never be nervous about sharing his past record and success rate. A good teacher would also share his or her losses too and try to give the students learning from them.

2. Do A Research On The Growth Rate Of The Students Of The Teacher

The people who are already taking guidance from a mentor can indirectly tell you how good a teacher is. If their results are good and the graph of the growth has significantly been positive you can consider the teacher to be good. Students of great teachers like Hafizzat Rusli, also post their testimonials about their experience with the teacher. These too can be helpful in figuring out if your mentors have the qualities that will prove to be successful for you or not.

3. If Possible, Do A Deep Research On Your Own

Recently there have been many scammers in the market who pretended to be Hafizzat Rusli and tricked many students to pay for his course. Many people lost their money because of these scammers and it affected Rusli’s image too. He was described on some websites as Hafizzat Rusli Forex Penipu. Information like this can misguide you and prevent you from getting the guidance of a good teacher. So it is important that before choosing your mentor you do thorough research.



Hafizzat Rusli

Hafizzat Rusli, founder and owner of Hafizzat Rusli Bhd is a successful trader and businessman. Underneath the charming demeanour and mischievous smile, lies th