Why Mental Health Is Important?

Hafsa Fatima
4 min readDec 21, 2021


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

You might hear the term mental health in your daily life more often like in magazine , newspaper or in general discussion but do you ever get to know what it mean and have questions like how it is related to your everything and what the difference between mental health and mental illness.

This is here you go !

What is mental health?

Basically mental health is all about your emotions, behavior , mood and how you think and act in your daily life . As your physical health which is your sate of body, same as everyone has mental health which is state of mind .

Physical health can influence on your mental health both positively and negatively so its ok to have sometime good or sometime bad days .

Being mentally healthy help you to cope up with life challenges in such a nicely way that make your heart at peace and enables you to feel , think and act positively .On the other hand , poor mental health lead you to the negative sad feeling , hopefulness and affect your ability to function over a long period of time.

Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

What is mental illness?

Mental illness is not as feeling sad or unhappy and stressed for a period of time because of difficult situation such as departure of beloved ones or economic or academic loss etc .But if someone’s such mind state remain continued for a long period of time and feel stressed regularly and may not feel control in their lives then it may become a mental illness which may cause serious psychological problems such as :

  • Depression
  • Mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Post traumatic issue
Photo by Ángel López on Unsplash

Stigma related to mental illness

Mental health has been stigmatized for decades and still not consider as important in third world countries where who experience mental illness has been judged in negative light and consider as crazy and mentally disabled .

And people who are struggling with mental health not share their feelings with other as being afraid of being judged and worse.

Why is mental health important?

Your mental health is so closely related to your physical health .if you are mentally healthy then the risk of your physical health could be minimize at its lowest such as stroke, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes etc.

Along with that being mentally healthy help you to :

  • Cope with challenges of life
  • Be physically active
  • Have good communication
  • Make yourself productive
  • Make you realize about your potential and capabilities
  • Enable you to do meaningful contribution in community.

Signs that depicts mental health problems

Sometime its hard to analyze your emotions that what is normal and what is not .Let keep in mind if following signs appear regularly in someone then might be he or she is suffering from mental illness .

  • Feeling unhappy or hopeless most of the time.
  • Thinking of harming yourself and others .
  • Lose interest in everything
  • Always thinking about the past regrets and memories that you can’t get out of your head.
  • Feeling usually confused , worry , angry , upset and scared .
  • Having sever swing moods that cause problems in your relationships .
  • Feeling mentally exhausted and stoic
  • Having unexplained aches and pains
  • Having no motivation or energy to perform daily taks
  • Feeling numb or like nothing matters
  • Hearing voices or believing things that are not true .
  • Always underestimate yourself and consider looser and feel hopeless about future .

Where to get support for mental health or mental illness challenges

Because of stigma attach with mental health , mostly people don’t prefer to seek professional help and sometime they also don’t admit it that they have psychological issue and don’t consider it important .But if you and your beloved one is experience mental illness or mental health challenge then its important to seek help as soon as possible .

If you want to know what you can do or how you treat your beloved one if he or she is suffering from mental health problem then stay tuned for my next post.

