cold shoulder + ruffled minis

3 min readMay 22, 2017


Running around like a crazy person this Monday! From an asthmatic dog needing to be rushed to the vet (of course when we get there she plays like she’s fine), to 4 loads of laundry, to the boys finally agreeing to getting their rapunzel hair cut.

phhhewwwwww someone get me a 5 hour energy drink stat because dinner still needs to be made, and my engineering skills are being requested for fort building.

**edit Beau will be making dinner because I am so over cooking/assembling food for others right meow.

Anyways, I am super happy because of a couple of things.

  1. I got to spend girl time with one of my all-time favs, Summer. We attend this fun workshop put on by Jenny Cookies making our very own terrarium and eating my weight in her insanely good cookies. Fun fact, after I created my master piece I dropped it all over the Nordstrom floor…soooo if anyone was wondering where that pile of dirt came from…hi.
  2. This week is my oldest open house at school! YES I KNOW. How the heck is school almost over?! And more importantly, what am I going to do with these monkeys everyday all day?! Anyways, he has been working on this marine biology project that he gets to share at open house, and it is so cute to see him so excited and put so much work into something!
  3. ONE WEEK FROM TODAY I am going to be launching the coolest project ever! Seriously. I have been putting in so many hours (still need to put in more), and it’s going to be awesome! So for sure sign up for my newsletter (email sign up) if you have not so you do not miss this. It’ll be the best way to kick off summer!!

*Bonus happiness! My top that is so fab, comes in six colors, and is 40% OFF! What the crazy! It super great quality too! You can get my shoes here for $15 off plus free shipping! My ruffle denim mini is a showstopper and such a fun summer piece. My lightweight and chic black sunglasses are only $50 and come in pink too! Sad news is that my phone cross body bag is sold out. But I would never leave ya hanging! Here’s a super cute one that comes in black and white for only $35!

As always, click the pictures/items to shop, and don’t forget to sign up for my email list! Next week is going to be the besssst

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Originally published at Dress Me Blonde.




Hi I’m Jocelyn! 🐱👗💵 I’m a fashion and style blogger in Orange County, CA. Follow along on Insta @hagglekat, periscope @hagglekat, & 👻 hagglekat