Wix creates AI automated Website builders, can Web Developers survive?

Haikal Afifsyah
4 min readMar 9, 2024
Wix Web Platform (iconfinder.com)

Wix is like a digital canvas where even non-tech-savvy folks can paint their online presence effortlessly. It’s a web wizard that lets you weave your website dreams without wrestling with coding or design jargon. With Wix, you’re handed a toolbox filled with customizable templates, allowing you to sprinkle your unique flair by adding text, images, and videos wherever your creativity takes you.

Beyond the basics, Wix serves up a buffet of features — whether you’re hungry for an online store, a cozy blog corner, or a sleek contact form, Wix has got you covered. And don’t forget the cherry on top: Wix’s bag of tricks includes marketing, analytics magic, and SEO spells to sprinkle that extra sparkle on your website.

In a nutshell, Wix is the playground where your digital dreams come to life, where tech hurdles vanish like morning mist, and where your website journey is a breeze, leaving you with more time to shine online.

Wix, has rolled out its AI-driven chatbot that crafts personalized websites through straightforward text inputs. The AI website builder was initially unveiled by Wix in July 2023 but remained under wraps for public access. Fast forward seven months, and Wix has now unleashed this feature worldwide, empowering users to kickstart their website projects.

Wix New AI-Chat Tools (youtube.com)

Creating a website with Wix’s AI website builder is a breeze. To get started, users simply hop onto the platform. From there, they engage in a chat with the AI chatbot, answering a few queries such as the website’s name, purpose, goals, and desired strategies. With these inputs, the chatbot whirs into action, conjuring up a fully customized website complete with layout, icons, fonts, images, and more.

Should users desire tweaks or changes, they can enter the AI editor mode to fine-tune specific elements using either text prompts or Wix’s array of editing tools. Once satisfied with the design, users can hit the publish button to unveil their creation to the world. Opting for Wix’s domain keeps things free and easy. However, for added perks like accepting payments, expanded cloud storage, collaboration options, and analytics insights, users can upgrade to one of Wix’s premium plans.

Web Developers Vs AI (hostitsmart.com)

As AI-powered website builders such as Wix advance in sophistication, the traditional role of web developers faces fresh hurdles. These technological strides pose a potential upheaval in the web development sphere, potentially placing some developers in jeopardy of being sidelined or marginalized. With AI-driven platforms adept at swiftly crafting websites based on simple text commands, the necessity for human intervention in certain aspects of web development may dwindle. This shift could result in a reduction in job opportunities for developers specializing in tasks now automatable by AI. Moreover, as more businesses and individuals gravitate towards DIY website construction tools, there may be a pivot in demand towards developers offering more specialized services like custom coding, advanced functionalities, and tailored design solutions.

Gazing into the future, the destiny of web developers hangs in an uncertain balance amidst technological strides. While AI-driven website builders may cast a shadow on specific realms of traditional web development, prospects remain bright for adept developers. With the proliferation of AI tools, the clamor for developers proficient in leveraging these technologies to fashion intricate and bespoke solutions is poised to surge. Developers who can harness their expertise to integrate AI functionalities, optimize performance, and ensure cross-platform compatibility will be in high demand.

To navigate through these shifting tides and cement their standing in the industry, web developers must sharpen their focus on domains less susceptible to automation. This entails mastering programming languages and frameworks, staying abreast of the latest industry trends and technologies, and curating a robust portfolio showcasing their prowess and ingenuity. Fostering collaboration and interdisciplinary skills will prove vital as developers collaborate with AI systems and other professionals in domains like design, marketing, and business development.

Furthermore, embracing a culture of lifelong learning is paramount for web developers to stay ahead of the curve. This involves undertaking additional training or certification, participating in conferences or workshops spanning different global locales, or even engaging in collaborative ventures with international teams. By immersing themselves in diverse learning ecosystems, web developers can broaden their horizons, stay attuned to global trends, and cultivate a comprehensive comprehension of the ever-evolving technological landscape. Navigating the era of Artificial Intelligence, web developers can chart a course towards sustained relevance and success by continuously adapting and innovating in response to emerging challenges and opportunities.

