The Full P90X3 Workout Schedule Guide

Haikal Dingle
4 min readNov 15, 2017


Following my previous p90x3 review article, we’ve already learned about the effectiveness of such a workout program. Following a high intensity circuit style of working out, p90x3 is one that stimulates every muscle group and makes you burn way more calories within a shorter time frame.

Another highlight that needs to be discussed is the p90x3 workout schedule. This to me, is the most exciting portion of the program. There are four p90x3 schedule which everyone can choose from. Think of it as four different programs in one.

Each p90x3 workout schedule is actually designed to give you specific results. By having four different options, you can now select how you want to look like at the end of 90 days.

Here are the calendars available:

Classic — This is the core plan of the program. It is designed to help you achieve overall fitness, drop your body fat and have toned muscles. For this to be made possible, the plan will utilize a balance of strength training, cardio and conditioning.

There are 16 different workouts in p90x3. All 16 workouts are categorized to either develop power, resistance, cardio or your core. The p90x3 classic schedule is perfect for those just starting out and if you intend to take on the doubles schedule.

Doubles — As the name implies, the doubles schedule is going to be doubly tough. It is also probably the toughest schedule of them all. Doubles also mean that on some days, you will have to workout twice.

The program as a whole, makes you workout only once a day for just 30 minutes. The doubles calendar is an exception if you’re trying to get superhuman fit.

Lean — If you’re looking to lean out and not look bulky, the p90x3 lean schedule is what you should be looking at. With that said, you should expect more cardio-based training heading your way. Don’t fret, these won’t be your typical long cardio sessions.

Every workout in this program is an action packed one; Just making use of different principles to achieve different results. Also in the lean calendar, you can expect a significant improvement in your level of cardio.

Mass — Here’s where you will pack pound and pounds of muscle. If you have trouble putting on muscular size, the mass workout schedule can help you. This will also be advantageous for the gym rats who are looking to take weight training to the next level.

More than just basing off a strength-centered workout plan, you will also be expected to eat more and hit sufficient calories. After all, if you want to get big you must eat big! A bonus from me is that you should carry out the mass p90x3 schedule and then follow up with lean schedule.

What happens here is that you will pack on quality size, and then chisel off your physique to look like the superheroes you look up to.

Take Your Fitness to The Elite Level

More than the 4 main workout plans, p90x3 also consists of an elite block which you can purchase separately. The elite block consists of 3 additional workouts lasting 4 weeks each. These workouts are designed to push further your speed, power and core.

The elite block should be done after you’ve completed either p90x3 schedule.

Final Notes

P90x3 is by far one of the best workout programs out there right now. The creator, Tony Horton, is no stranger to the fitness industry. Moreover, every micro part of the program have been thoroughly researched and developed by working with various fitness professionals.

Some methods in the program are heavily influenced by how an actual athlete or soldier trains. In essence, you are getting a good glimpse of how the pros does it. Should you follow the program to a T, there is no way you will have to worry about not achieving results.



Haikal Dingle

Just a guy trying to figure out life. Blog writer for half a decade. I enjoy writing about health and social issues