Immutable zkEVM: The Ultimate Chain for Web3 Games 🎮

10 min readOct 20, 2023


Immutable zkEVM is a new blockchain solution that aims to unleash the full potential of web3 games. It is the first chain for games that offers EVM compatibility, low cost, massive scale, and Ethereum security. It is powered by Polygon’s zkEVM technology and integrated with Immutable’s platform and ecosystem. In this article, we will explore what Immutable zkEVM is, why it is beneficial for developers and gamers, and how it enables some of the most exciting games in the web3 space. 🚀

Overview of Immutable zkEVM 🔎

Immutable zkEVM is a variant of the EVM built on Layer 2 zk-rollup, which is a scaling solution that enables high throughput and low-cost transactions while leveraging the security of the Ethereum mainnet. Zk-rollup uses zero-knowledge proofs to verify the validity of transactions without revealing their data, which reduces the amount of data that needs to be stored on-chain and improves privacy and security.

Immutable zkEVM is different from other zk-rollup solutions because it is designed specifically for games, not for general-purpose applications. It supports custom smart contracts, which enable advanced gameplay mechanics, rich economies, and on-chain interactions. It also offers low gas fees, which make web3 gaming accessible and affordable for everyone. Moreover, it inherits the security and decentralization of Ethereum, which ensures that gamers have true ownership and control over their assets and data.

Immutable zkEVM is not a standalone chain, but a part of Immutable’s platform and ecosystem. Immutable is a one-stop-shop for building web3 games, providing tools and resources such as SDKs, APIs, funding, and support. Immutable also offers other products such as Immutable X, a game-specific zk-rollup that enables minting millions of NFTs for free; Immutable Passport, a non-custodial wallet and authentication solution that streamlines user onboarding; Immutable Checkout, a payment gateway that facilitates seamless transactions across all web3 wallets; and Immutable Marketplace, a network of marketplaces that connects gamers and creators.

Immutable zkEVM Architecture

Benefits for Developers đź’Ż

Developers who choose to build on Immutable zkEVM can enjoy many benefits that make web3 gaming easier, faster, and more profitable. Some of these benefits are:

  • EVM compatibility: Developers can use the same tools and languages that they are familiar with from Ethereum, such as Solidity, Truffle, Hardhat, etc. They can also port existing smart contracts or dApps from Ethereum to Immutable zkEVM with minimal changes.
  • Low cost: Developers can save on gas fees by using Immutable zkEVM’s low-cost transactions. They can also take advantage of Immutable’s royalty system, which allows them to set and enforce royalty fees for their NFTs across all marketplaces.
  • Massive scale: Developers can scale their games to millions of users and transactions without compromising performance or user experience. They can also leverage Immutable’s throughput capabilities, which enable fast confirmation times and instant finality.
  • Ethereum security: Developers can rely on Ethereum’s security and network effects to protect their games and users from attacks or censorship. They can also benefit from Ethereum’s vibrant community and ecosystem, which provide access to liquidity, innovation, and adoption.
  • Platform support: Developers can access Immutable’s platform services and features, which simplify the development process and enhance the gameplay experience. They can also receive funding and support from Immutable’s team and partners.

Immutable Ecosystem 🌟

Immutable Ecosystem

Immutable’s ecosystem is not only attractive for developers, but also for gamers and creators who want to participate in web3 gaming. Some of the reasons why Immutable’s ecosystem is appealing are:

  • Mainstream UX: Gamers can enjoy a smooth and familiar user experience that resembles traditional gaming platforms. They can use social logins such as Google or Apple to sign up for Immutable Passport, which automatically creates a non-custodial wallet for them. They can also use fiat or crypto currencies to buy or sell NFTs through Immutable Checkout.
  • Non-custodial ownership: Gamers can own their NFTs without relying on third parties or intermediaries. They can store their NFTs in their own wallets or transfer them to other platforms or chains as they wish. They can also trade their NFTs in any marketplace that supports Immutable Passport without paying any gas fees.
  • Ecosystem network: Gamers can access a variety of games and marketplaces that use Immutable’s products and services. They can use their Passport login across all games and marketplaces, which creates a seamless cross-game and cross-platform experience. They can also discover new games and NFTs through Immutable Marketplace’s network effect.
  • Reward system: Gamers can earn rewards by playing their favorite games or creating their own NFTs. They can receive NFTs as in-game rewards or achievements, or mint their own NFTs using Immutable X. They can also monetize their NFTs by selling them in marketplaces or earning royalties from secondary sales.

Immutable Passport 🛂

Immutable Passport is one of the key products that Immutable offers to enable web3 gaming. It is a non-custodial wallet and authentication solution that streamlines user onboarding through passwordless sign-on and automated wallet creation. It is designed to solve the common pain points that web3 users face, such as:

  • Wallet fragmentation: Web3 users often have to create and manage multiple wallets for different platforms or chains, which creates confusion and inconvenience. Immutable Passport eliminates this problem by providing a universal wallet that works across all Immutable-powered games and marketplaces.
  • User education: Web3 users often have to learn complex concepts and terminologies, such as private keys, seed phrases, gas fees, etc., which create barriers to entry and adoption. Immutable Passport simplifies this process by abstracting away the technical details and providing a user-friendly interface that resembles mainstream platforms.
  • User security: Web3 users often face risks of losing their funds or assets due to scams, hacks, or human errors. Immutable Passport mitigates these risks by implementing best practices and safety features, such as encryption, recovery codes, email verification, etc. It also ensures that users retain full control and ownership of their assets at all times.

Immutable Passport plays a crucial role in onboarding the masses to web3 gaming by offering a secure and seamless user experience that lowers the friction and increases the trust.

Passport Interface

Game Spotlight: Shardbound đź’Ž

Shardbound is one of the games that is currently being developed on Immutable zkEVM. It is a fantasy strategy game that combines card-based and board-based gameplay elements. It was originally created by Spiritwalk Games, an indie studio that faced business challenges and had to put the game on hold. However, thanks to Immutable and Bazooka Tango, another game studio, Shardbound is being revived as a web3 game with NFT integration.

Shardbound’s gameplay involves using cards to summon units on a hexagonal map and engaging in tactical battles with other players. The game features rich lore, collectibles, and customization options. The game also leverages the power of Immutable zkEVM to enable advanced web3 game mechanics, such as:

  • NFT ownership: Players can own their cards as NFTs and trade them in any marketplace that supports Immutable Passport. They can also earn royalties from secondary sales of their cards.
  • Smart contracts: Players can use smart contracts to create custom game modes, rules, or events. They can also participate in community-driven governance and decision-making processes.
  • On-chain interactions: Players can interact with other players or entities on the blockchain, such as sending messages, forming alliances, or joining factions.

Shardbound chose to build on Immutable zkEVM for several reasons:

  • Immutable zkEVM offers a blockchain solution that is compatible with Ethereum, scalable, and secure. It also allows them to use smart contracts to create custom game modes and rules, and to interact with other players and entities on the blockchain.
  • Immutable zkEVM enables them to integrate NFTs into their game economy and gameplay. They can use NFTs to represent their cards and units, and to give players true ownership and control over their assets. They can also use NFTs to reward players for their achievements and participation, and to create a vibrant and dynamic market for their game assets.
  • Immutable zkEVM benefits from Immutable’s platform and ecosystem, which provide tools and resources for building web3 games. They can use Immutable’s products such as Immutable X, Immutable Passport, Immutable Checkout, and Immutable Marketplace to enhance their game’s user experience, accessibility, and network effect.

Shardbound is an example of how Immutable zkEVM can enhance the gameplay experience and value proposition of web3 games.

You can watch some gameplay footage of Shardbound here.

Show your Enthusiasm!

As a web3 enthusiast, I am very excited about Shardbound and its potential to become one of the best games on Immutable zkEVM. Here are some of the reasons why I am looking forward to playing it:

  • I love strategy games that challenge my skills and creativity. Shardbound offers a unique blend of card-based and board-based gameplay that requires strategic thinking and planning.
  • I appreciate games that have rich lore and immersive worlds. Shardbound has a captivating story and setting that draws me in and makes me curious about its secrets and mysteries.
  • I enjoy games that have collectibles and customization options. Shardbound has a variety of cards and units that I can collect and customize to suit my playstyle and preferences.
  • I value games that have web3 features and benefits. Shardbound leverages Immutable zkEVM to enable true ownership, smart contracts, and on-chain interactions that enhance the gameplay experience and value proposition.

If you share my enthusiasm for Shardbound, you can pre-register here

A Look Ahead on the Future Directions🗺️

The highly anticipated launch of Immutable zkEVM Mainnet is just around the corner, scheduled for December to January 2024. Immutable zkEVM is expected to transform the crypto gaming industry by offering a unique combination of high throughput, low transaction fees, network reliability, smart contract composability, and security

Immutable zkEVM is more than just games or a chain. It’s an ecosystem designed to make building and playing Web3 games easy. The ecosystem partners already committed to Immutable zkEVM include major platforms like AQUA Marketplace, TokenTrove Marketplace, BlockScout, GameStop, iLogos, and Kongregate, alongside 20+ new partnerships

Immutable zkEVM is aimed at increasing ownership rights for Web3 gamers. The network is fully compatible with Ethereum applications, meaning that developers can port Ethereum projects over to it with minimal changes. Immutable’s chief technology officer and co-founder, Alex Connolly, expressed his view that the new network will be “irresistible” to developers

In conclusion, Immutable zkEVM is a promising solution for Web3 game developers. Its unique combination of high throughput, low transaction fees, network reliability, smart contract composability, and security makes it an attractive option for game studios. With the upcoming launch of Immutable zkEVM Mainnet, we can expect to see more games and developers migrating to this platform in the future.

If you are interested in Immutable zkEVM and want to learn more or get involved, you can join their community and follow their updates. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Join their Discord server, where you can chat with other developers, gamers, and creators, ask questions, share feedback, and get support.
  • Follow their X account, where you can get the latest news, announcements, and insights about Immutable zkEVM and web3 gaming.
  • Subscribe to their YouTube channel, where you can watch videos, tutorials, and demos about Immutable zkEVM and its features.
  • Visit their Website, where you can find more information and resources about Immutable zkEVM and its products.

You can also check out some of these further reading resources that will help you understand Immutable zkEVM better:

If you are ready to start building your own web3 game on Immutable zkEVM, here are some next steps that you can take:

  • Start building here, where you can get access to the testnet version of Immutable zkEVM and start experimenting with it.
  • Explore the documentation here, where you can find detailed information and instructions on how to use Immutable zkEVM and its products.
  • Apply for funding here, where you can pitch your game idea and get financial support from Immutable and Polygon.

Immutable zkEVM is an amazing opportunity for web3 game developers and enthusiasts. It offers a blockchain solution that combines EVM compatibility, low cost, massive scale, and Ethereum security. It also integrates with Immutable’s platform and ecosystem, which provide tools and resources for building web3 games. Don’t miss this chance to join the web3 gaming revolution with Immutable zkEVM! 💯

