Reiki Healing: How It Changed My Life And My Perspective

Hailey Rice
7 min readAug 6, 2022


What is Reiki Healing?

Alternative medicine and energy based healing can sound very intimidating. Many people are skeptical when it comes to these forms of therapy and healing. I recently booked a Reiki session with a Reiki Master in my area and had the most noteworthy and amazing experience that I would love to share in detail.

But first, I think it would be best for me to explain what Reiki is. Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. What this means is the person performing the Reiki session uses palm healing or hands-on healing through the use of energy. The energy is transferred through the palms of the Reiki Master that encourages emotional support and physical healing. In my personal experience, messages from my spirit guides also came through during my session that were then relayed to me.

Reiki is a practice that can benefit anyone, it does not discriminate against physical characteristics and is a universal form of alternative medicine. It is also important to remember that Reiki does not 100% replace medicine and recommendations from a licensed professional doctor.

Everything I share from here on out is my own personal experience and is not medical advice.

Before The Session

It is important for me to note that before the session I had been practicing my personal journal writing and short meditation. I had also been dipping my toe into meeting my spirit guides and understanding what/who they are. Another note that I would like to add is that meditation or any other spiritual practices are required before a Reiki session, you can get one done even if you have no prior experience with energy healing or any form of spirituality.

A few days before the session I sat down and practiced meditation for 10 minutes. After my deep breathing and meditation I asked my spirit guides to send me a sign that they were here with me and were listening to me. I went about my day running errands and going shopping at Aldi. If you have never been to Aldi they have carts that you have to put a quarter into before using. The cashier takes the groceries out of your cart, scans them, then places them in to a new cart that you take the coin out of once you return it. So remember, my new cart that I took out of the store did not have the same coin I put in previously.

When I went to go put my cart away and remove the coin from the slot I noticed it was gold in color. Not the normal silver of a quarter. When I held the coin up to look at it I realized it wasn’t a coin at all. It was a golden token that had a 4 leaf clover on it, and on the back it read “Today is my lucky day” I immediately knew that was my sign from my spirit team, telling me they are with me.

The Day of the Session

Having the confirmation that my spirit guides are with me made my Reiki experience that much more beautiful and intense. With that being said, when I arrived at She Lit Her Own Fire LLC (the practice/business owned by the Reiki Master that did my session) I sat in the parking lot, did some deep breathing and said aloud to my spirit team, “If you have any messages for me to hear, now is the time to share them” I truly believe that giving spirit the permission to send me any messages they have widened my Reiki healing experience.

The session started with a very comfortable and nerve calming conversation. My Reiki healer Kristin walked me through the whole entire process and gave me information on how energy is all around us. She gave me examples of the science behind energy healing and made me feel so much better about the whole experience just from having that conversation. Then, we practiced deep breathing techniques to clear the mind and lower the heart rate. The specific method we used was the inhale for 4, hold for 6, exhale for 8. This 4–6–8 technique lowers stress in the body and mind.

Next, she went into the tapping method, or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EMT tapping), this technique works with the energy meridians in the body. EMT tapping involves tapping or applying pressure to different acupressure points to restore balance to disrupted energy. This practice calmed my body and allowed me to feel even more relaxed for the actual reiki healing.

After the tapping and the deep breathing exercises, I was invited to lay down on a very comfortable cot that had support behind my knees and to my head. A heating pad was turned on low under me and I chose to have a cover over my body. I allowed myself to close my eyes and envision myself as the center of the room.

When the session began Kristin reminded me to focus on my breath, and to become an observer for my thoughts. If I were to lose focus or follow my thoughts down a rabbit hole during the session I was simply instructed to refocus and count my breathing. While she was healing me I felt the energy coming from her hands in the different areas of my body that she was being called to. It is hard to explain, but it was like I could feel the intense waves coming from her palms and in to my body.

She spent a lot of time at the crown of my head, my liver, and my ovaries. I also want to make it known that before the session I had not disclosed any health issues that I had been having. Kristin knew absolutely nothing about my physical health.

After the Session: She Knew it All

The words Kristin spoke to me after the session have been lingering in my head ever since the day of my session. Immediately after I opened my eyes and began to sit up she asked me if I frequently get headaches/migraines and if they are local to the left side of my head. I told her that recently I have been having terrible migraines and that they are affecting my everyday life. I asked her how she knew and she told me that she spent so much time near my head because she was feeling called to that specific area strongly. For my head she recommended I do a Heavy Metal Detox to clear toxic metals from the muscles in my brain and the rest of my body as well. I will write another blog post on that once I get started with it.

She also mentioned that she felt a call to heal my liver as well because she got the feeling that my liver was backed up on getting toxins out of my body. The heavy metal detox will help with that, but she also recommended that 30 minutes prior to eating or drinking anything first thing in the morning that I drink room temperature lemon water to wake up my liver and clear it out.

Here is where it gets crazy and almost mystical. Before she could tell me anything else I asked her if she felt any issues with my uterus and ovaries because I had been back and forth to the Gynecologist recently and my Gyno mentioned that is is very possible that I have Endometriosis. My Gyno had also recommended that I stop taking my Birth Control which I had been going back and forth about for weeks. I didn’t know if it was the right thing to do. Kristin said, “It’s funny you mention the birth control because during the session I got a message for you that you need to stop taking your birth control pill” Without a second thought I told her that she had just given me the sign that I needed that this was the right thing to do. Kristin said that she got chills and was covered in goosebumps after that moment. That was the first message from my spirit guide.

The final message from my spirit guide is something that I am still unpacking in my mind. She had mentioned that the name Wilbur came through to her as soon as we started the healing session. Now, I have no remembrance of a family member or someone I know that has passed on by that name so I knew it wasn’t an ancestor of mine trying to reach me.

After the session was over I walked out to my car feeling so light and pure. I had never in my life felt more free and clean than I did in that moment. I felt like there was no negative presence in my body. To top it all off, as soon as I pulled out of the parking lot I saw angel numbers 333 on the license plate in front of me. Confirming that I am surrounded by divine guidance.

Wilbur? Is that you?

So, ever since that session the name Wilbur has been constantly in the back of my mind. After I arrived home from the session I asked aloud to my spirit guides, “If your name is Wilbur please send me a sign in the form of angel numbers.” Sure enough I was met with an abundance of angel numbers that same day and ever since the session the number 3 has been following me everywhere I go. I am beginning to find the number 3 in even the simplest parts of my life and it feels amazing. So, now that I have an abundance of conformation that my spirit guides are here and now that I know their name I can further communicate and open up to them.

A whole new door has been opened after my Reiki experience.

Go in peace,




Hailey Rice

Spirituality, Life Stories, and Pure Joy :) TikTok: hailey.n.marie Pinterest: haileyspinterestpage