11 Things to Avoid to Make Your QR Code Campaign Effective

Hailey garciano
5 min readAug 14, 2023


In the dynamic landscape of modern marketing, QR codes have emerged as a powerful tool to bridge the physical and digital realms.

With a quick scan, they offer consumers instant access to information, promotions, and experiences, making them an invaluable asset for businesses looking to engage their audience in new and exciting ways.

However, while QR codes hold immense potential, a poorly executed QR code campaign can lead to missed opportunities and frustration for businesses and customers.

Today, the key to success lies in what you do and what you avoid. Crafting a successful QR code campaign requires a strategic approach that goes beyond the technicalities of generating a code.

To help you navigate this dynamic marketing landscape, we’ve curated a comprehensive guide to using a QR code generator with a logo and help you achieve effective QR code marketing campaigns.

11 Things you should avoid to make your QR code campaign more effective

Creating an effective QR code campaign requires careful planning and execution. To help you succeed, here’s a comprehensive list of 11 things to avoid:

1. Complex landing pages

Avoid directing users to overly complex or cluttered landing pages. Keep the landing page design simple, user-friendly, and mobile-responsive to ensure a smooth user experience.

2. Long URLs

QR codes are limited in size, and longer URLs can make them difficult to scan. Use URL shortening services to create concise and scannable QR codes.

3. Insufficient testing

Failing to thoroughly test your QR codes before launching your campaign can result in technical issues or incorrect information being shared. Test the QR codes across various devices and scanning apps to ensure they work as intended.

4. Missing call-to-action (CTA)

Without a clear call-to-action, users may not understand what they’re supposed to do after scanning the QR code. Clearly communicate the purpose of the code and the benefits users will receive upon scanning.

5. Lack of value

If the content or offers linked to the QR code isn’t valuable to users, they’re less likely to engage with it. Provide incentives, exclusive content, discounts, or useful information to encourage users to scan.

6. Poor placement

There are many factors why your QR code is not working, including its placement. QR codes should be placed in easily accessible locations with good visibility. Avoid placing them in areas with poor lighting, awkward angles, or where users can’t easily scan them.

7. Missing tracking and analytics

Neglecting to track and analyze the performance of your QR code campaign can make it difficult to gauge its success. Implement tracking tools to monitor scan rates and user engagement.

8. No context

Ensure that there’s context around the QR code. Users should have an idea of what they’ll find after scanning it. Without context, people might be hesitant to scan the code.

9. Overuse of QR codes

Bombarding your audience with too many QR codes can lead to confusion and fatigue. Limit the number of QR codes within a single campaign to maintain focus and effectiveness.

10. Inadequate promotion

Simply placing QR codes without proper promotion won’t yield desired results. Promote your QR code campaign through various channels like social media, email marketing, and physical signage to reach a wider audience.

11. Ignoring security

Be cautious about the content you’re linking to via QR codes. Ensure the linked content is secure and won’t lead users to potentially harmful websites or compromise their personal data.

Why it’s better to use a dynamic QR code generator for your QR code marketing campaigns

When it comes to QR code marketing campaigns, using a dynamic QR code generator is a smart choice that can make your efforts more successful and flexible.

Dynamic QR codes offer a bunch of benefits that can boost your campaign and help it work better.

Here’s why it’s a good idea to use a dynamic QR code generator for your QR code marketing:

Using them more than once

Dynamic QR codes save time and money if you want to run different campaigns. You can use the same QR code for different campaigns by just changing what it leads to. This is easier than making a new QR code every time.

And with QR TIGER, you can retrieve or recover deleted QR codes on your dashboard. This is most helpful, especially when someone accidentally deletes a QR code.

With this, it’s easier to look back on your previous campaigns to help you optimize future ones.


Dynamic QR codes let you change the content they lead to, even after you’ve made and shared them.

This is great because it means you can adjust your campaign on the fly. If you need to change an offer, send people to a different webpage, or tweak anything else about your QR code’s destination, you can do it easily.

Tracking and numbers

One of the big pluses of dynamic QR codes is that they give you info on how well they’re doing. This helps you see if your campaign is doing well and lets you make smarter choices based on the data.

You can find out how many times they’ve been scanned, who’s scanning them, and where they’re being scanned.

Trying out different stuff

With dynamic QR codes, you can do A/B testing. This means you can try different versions of your landing pages, offers, or messages. By checking how well each version does, you can see what your audience likes the most and make your campaign better.

Long-term use

Normal QR codes are stuck with the content they have forever. But dynamic QR codes stay useful for a long time because you can change the content whenever you need to. This stops links from going dead and ensures people have a good experience.

Handling mistakes

Dynamic QR codes are good at handling mistakes. They can still be scanned if they’re a bit messed up. This makes things smooth for people trying to use them and stops them from getting frustrated.

Keeping your look

You can keep your brand looking the same with dynamic QR codes. You can easily change how they look — the colors, pictures, and design. This means your QR codes match your brand and look professional.


Dynamic QR codes are more secure than regular ones. You can control who gets to change the content they lead to. This stops anyone from messing with your QR code and sending people to the wrong place.

Dynamic QR code generator: A smart marketing tool you need today

In a world where every marketing move counts, embracing the power of dynamic QR codes is a strategic decision that can set your campaigns on a trajectory of success.

As we wrap up our exploration into the realm of QR code marketing, it’s clear that choosing a dynamic QR code generator is not just a choice but a necessity for modern businesses looking to thrive in a dynamic digital landscape.

With the ability to adapt and evolve in real-time, track performance, experiment with different strategies, and maintain brand consistency, dynamic QR codes are invaluable.

They empower marketers to transcend the limitations of static codes, creating engaging, personalized, and impactful experiences for their target audience.

By harnessing their potential, you’re not just creating codes but shaping experiences, building connections, and driving conversions.

As you embark on your marketing journey armed with this newfound knowledge, remember that dynamic QR codes are more than just a tool — they’re a smart investment in your marketing arsenal.



Hailey garciano

Simplifying QR code creation, customization, and tracking for seamless implementation. check it here: https://www.qrcode-tiger.com/