Things to keep in mind when choosing marble tiles for stairs

Văn Hải Lưu
7 min readMar 5, 2019


You are looking for marble stairs, but are you sure they fit your stairs? You want to shop for them, but you don’t know how to choose them. You love them but don’t understand them. So what do you think if the article below will provide you with all this.

1. The nature and formation of Marble tiles staircase

1.1. The process of formation

The rocks rich in calcite (CaCO3) such as limestone, dolomite after a long period of time are affected by temperature and pressure inside the earth’s heart, have been transformed and become metamorphic rocks. Today, they are commonly known as Marble, or the popular name in Vietnam is marble.

Their metamorphosis process is possible because, the original rocky mountains are usually distributed in areas with tectonic plates (where cracks of the earth’s crust), where geological activities always there. At first, they were not underground, just like we did, but were only pulled down when there was a geological activity there.

Various colors, high aesthetics, harmonious look and can give high gloss when polished, are also the advantages that Marble is popular and selected for the application of I especially have a staircase.

1.2. The important properties of marble in the staircase

+ Hardness: When the temperature and pressure impact long enough on the original stones, the crystal particles inside them are nurtured and taken care of. growing up. By the time they get big enough they can merge together or squeeze together. This results in their hardness being enhanced and the porosity will be much lower than the original stone.

However, the hardening of the original stone also did not make it classified into hard rocks. Because considering the Mohs hardness scale, it only has a range of 3–4. That means it is still vulnerable to strong impacts of hard objects that are accidentally touched. So when using Marble for applications people need to pay attention to this problem, to have ways to take care of preservation accordingly.

+ Effect on acid substances: Due to the high content of Calcite (CaCO3), they are easy to work with acids. As well as substances that contain the acid content inside, sometimes comes from our daily food. And when this happens, you should also make sure that your stone surface is covered with a protective agent before tiling.

+ Colors: The color of Marble stone is often much higher than that of original stones. Even in ancient times it was only used for royal and religious purposes. This is due to many minerals, the surrounding soil, often mixed when geological activities occur. That diversity of colors and colors has brought Marble a top-rated position among other decorative materials of the same purpose.

You can get more interesting information about them if you read the following article: Interesting things about natural marble that you may not know

2. Marble stone staircase of raw materials yes appropriate

A big mistake for many people is to see what others can do to think, I can catch them first and follow them. However, have you ever wondered, whether it is really appropriate or what factors can help me do it?

For Marble applications too, not all applications that we observe daily are considered suitable for them. So what will they be when used to cover stairs? Before there are any conclusions about them, we should go to find out the criteria for the stairs below.

2.1. Criteria for the

+ staircase stone High durability: When making a stairway, most of us think that they will follow us all their lives. So, the durability factor will always be the top priority for materials for staircase.

+ Good rigidity: Because the flow of people passing through the stairwell area is quite a lot, so the materials in this area have good hardness to resist abrasion.

+ Good aesthetics: If anyone thinks that a staircase to travel is good, they must be wrong. A beautiful staircase will not only contribute to enhancing the beauty of your home. They also confirmed the position of each family when guests came to play. So aesthetic factor will also be the target set by many people.

+ Easy hygiene: Have you ever cleaned your house? You must have understood the hard work of this work when it was quite multiple levels. This is also understandable when the materials you use must always tend to be easy to clean and care for.

+Health safety: This is a natural thing that any application of the house we all want right!

2.2. So whether Marble is suitable for the staircase

If you are still wondering the above question, then we try to go through a preliminary analysis offline!

Many famous outdoor works of marble stone, all over the world, although they have been through for centuries, they still retain the inherent beauty. So what do you think about its durability when they are in the house and cared for by you with care.

Tuy is not rated the highest in hardness as the kind of molten rock, however in the current materials of staircase, the use of natural stone is always appreciated to meet expectations. of many customers. In addition, when covered with a surfactant, they will give you an attractive shiny surface and easy to clean.

And if you still have concerns about aesthetics and safety, we would like to reveal more to you. Marble, always a kind of paving materials with the highest aesthetic value of the current materials. More remarkably, these natural materials, never bring health problems to anyone.

So they seem to fit your stairs! However, please note that for those who use this highly aesthetic material, they must be taken care of and cleaned properly and regularly, because beauty will be susceptible to wilting over time.

3. Things to note when choosing marble tiles staircase

+ Costs suitable for economic conditions: You know, Marble is very diverse in color and design. They have over hundreds of different types, ranging from colors to patterns. And of course, the cost for each type is different. So we recommend that you, before going shopping, thoroughly understand the information about them and can refer to their quotes, through the media.

You can go here to see more models, as well as refer to their price information:

+ Suitable colors: A suitable color is the color that your whole family loves, or the color that when combined with the furniture in the room makes the room more prominent. It is also possible that colors only you like if space is your own. This will always give you a comfortable mind every day, every time you look at them. And of course, when you are psychologically comfortable, what’s in your life that you don’t find it nice?

+ High durability: As mentioned in the above problem, durability will always be the first criterion in choosing marble with stairs. Although they are very durable, but do you know they have more than hundreds of different types, so each type of durability will also be different. So you should depend on the purpose of use for applications that choose Marble suitable.

+ Good aesthetics: A beautiful staircase is sure everyone wants to own, however, in order to achieve the overall aesthetic of the whole room, you must also be a subtle and a little gifted person. Beauty. You can also choose to take the main black and white tones as they match with many other colors, and from there will choose the pattern so that it makes the most sense.

+ Easy to clean: A sad thing you do not know, not all Marble is said to be easy to clean. For each type of different finish, it will always give a different type of hygiene. However, if you want to clean it easily, you should choose the type of polishing finish.

To learn more about the finishes of Marble, you can refer to the following article: End types of Marble

4. Some nice practical applications of Marble staircase

To help people have a more intuitive look, in addition to having many new ideas for their stairs, we summarize some samples The stairs with Marble stone tiles below, you can refer to them.

A stair of black marble with lightning will always bring a stair of luxury and modernity.

Black marble stairs will always be ideas filled with elegance, elegance and robustness.

Attractive beautiful white will also be great ideas for your home, right?
A combination of white and orange will also make the staircase stand out more than ever.
A modern style when combined with the unique colors and lines of Marble stone will also turn these stairs into beautiful and unique in the world.

Hopefully, after the article above, you have grasped all the important things about Marble stone patterned staircase, and things to keep in mind when choosing them. Wish you will have beautiful stairs as your will.

