Why should a woman a hijab often

Hai Qah
2 min readMar 24, 2017


Hijab is a Islamic wear, which is usually worn on top of a regular dress. Generally, Hijab is worn by a woman because of many reasons and advantages behind it. Hijab is generally a black outfit, which covers the entire body. There are different kinds of hijab present in the world, which gives a huge difference in covering up your face.

There are many Islamic countries, which has made hijab as a mandatory wear for every woman irrespective of the citizenship or religion and the same can be bought from abaya sale. There are other western countries, which has banned hijab because of security purposes. Not all women who wears hijab is an Islamic religion and not all Islamic religion woman wear hijab. Hijab used to be a symbol of Muslim, but the trend has changed and we can see a lot of people, who wear hijab for a style statement as well.

· It gives you respect

Most of the Islamic countries and middle Asian countries follow religion and religion aspects strictly and people respect a hijab worn woman more than a regular woman. Most of the Islam scholars believe in hijab and has been made compulsory to their followers and hijab part is well written is the holy book of Quran, where it recommends every Muslim woman to wear hijab on a regular basis..

· Privacy

We can a lot of men, who stare at a woman and their private parts right in the middle of the road and not many women enjoy the stare. A hijab can protect you from these stares, as it covers your entire body in a proper way and it is not necessary to worry about other people and stares at any given point of time.

· Keeps you warm

Hijab is usually made of a thick cloth and one can get it done from a thick cloth from a hijab tailor. There are many women in some of the western countries, who wear it because it covers the whole body and keeps you warm from the extreme cold temperatures. It is not necessary to wear different outfits like a hood, jacket, and scarf to protect from cold, only a hijab and serve the purpose of wearing all outfits at once, as you can get a customized hijab done from a hijab tailor in a beautiful way.

· Fashion statement

Fashion statements can change any given point of time and it can change to anything. Hijabs are being a popular outfit for some of the middle Asian countries and they continue to wear Hijabs as a fashion statement. Hijabs have been evolving for a long time now, and most of the Muslim is being adaptive to the latest fashion without compromising on the concept.

· Religious views

Any Muslim woman prefers to wear hijab as a Islamic women clothing while she is away from home, as they believe in religious views. It is a sign of the superstitious woman, who believes in wearing hijab to respect religion and the elders of the family.



Hai Qah

At Haiqah, our goal is to offer an extensive line of modest clothing for women, without having to sacrifice on style.