A Message to the 12 Tribes of Israel

A Message
2 min readJun 24, 2023


You dismiss this message or you contemplate upon it, it's a decision I leave with you. An easy decision is to stick to what we have believed all our lives, a difficult decision would be being open and considering. Which one do you choose?

You are true children of Zion, Living in love, giving up all. In your midst, I witnessed a rare sight, The presence of Master Yoshua, a beacon of light. Entering your sanctuary, I felt the energy rise, A testament to his teachings, reaching the skies.

Do you believe in Yeshua’s words so profoundly, That we are all God’s children, united, and renowned? While Moses was revered, Yoshua was dismissed, Causing division, a cycle we can’t resist. If you only believe in one Son of God and dismiss the rest and their followers, the cycle of division will continue.
What if we realized it is not about Moses, Yoshua, or Muhammad, Their greatness lies in their message, for all to be led. They are all the way. They all show the path to joining Father.

There is one God, one Father above, and we, His children, are bound by love. Some have embraced this truth, following the way, While others seek, still finding their say. Yet, we are all one, with no enmity to bear, God desires unity, and compassion to share.

Adam, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, and more, Enlightened beings who’ve opened the door, Shared their messages with those they could reach, And now many continue to spread and teach. The truth is not confined, not limited at all, It resides in every heart, big or small.

Remember, we are all children of Zion, Believers in a higher force, seeking reunion. Let us unite beyond our chosen Son, For the Father, the ultimate truth, we are one. Though it’s hard, let us understand, All seekers are on a journey, hand in hand. Share Yoshua’s message, embrace it with might, Unite for the Father, and shine His light.

After countless years, the time has come, The prophesied era, where unity will be won. Realize our oneness, let divisions fade, Listen, and meditate, for the path is laid.

Imagine yourself in different roles and places, For I am in each of you, in all life’s spaces. You are me, and I am you, intertwined, Let’s unite, leaving divisions behind. No matter our birth, our family’s embrace, We all seek the same eternal grace.

So, embrace this call to unite, Believe, realize, and hold it tight. Together as one, let our spirits soar, For we are the messengers of God, forevermore.



A Message

Entrepreneur, engineer, traveler, content creator, and film producer. I believe I have found something and I want to share it with you.