Future of Finance: Cultivating Digital Skills and Competencies | Hajra Karrim CFO

Hajra Karrim CFO
4 min readAug 29, 2023


In the ever-evolving finance landscape, digital transformation has become more than just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental shift reshaping the industry. As technology redefines how financial operations are conducted, finance functions are at a critical juncture. They must bridge the skills gap and equip their workforce with essential digital competencies to stay relevant and competitive.

The Digital Revolution in Finance

The financial sector has been changed by technology, from algorithmic trading to blockchain-based transactions. As automation and artificial intelligence infiltrate various processes, new skills have emerged as prerequisites for success. The once-traditional roles within finance are now merging with technological expertise, creating a demand for professionals who can navigate this intersection seamlessly.

Hajra Karrim CFO

As companies increasingly depend on data-driven insights to make informed decisions, the role of the CFO has transitioned from being a number cruncher to a strategic partner. Hajra Karrim, a seasoned CFO, understands this shift well. With a keen eye on the future, she recognizes the importance of fostering digital skills and competencies within the finance team.

Acquiring and developing digital talent is a multifaceted endeavor. Finance leaders need to rethink their hiring strategies to attract professionals with a blend of financial acumen and technological prowess. Furthermore, existing finance professionals should be upskilled to bridge the digital skills gap. Training programs, workshops, and online courses can help finance teams build competencies in areas like data analytics, IT fulfillment, and vendor management.

Digital skills are not static; they require continuous learning and adaptation. As such, CFOs should foster a culture of lifelong learning within their finance teams. Encouraging employees to stay curious, explore emerging technologies, and experiment with new tools will ensure that the workforce remains agile and well-prepared for the evolving digital landscape.

Essential Digital Competencies

  1. Data Interpretation and Manipulation: In today’s data-driven world, the capability to extract meaningful insights from vast datasets is paramount. Finance professionals must be adept at interpreting financial data, recognizing trends, and making informed decisions based on data-driven analyses.
  2. Information Technology (IT) Fulfillment: An understanding of IT systems and tools is essential for financial professionals to harness the power of technology. Familiarity with software, applications, and infrastructure empowers them to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and provide timely financial services.
  3. Vendor Management: The finance industry relies on a network of technology vendors to provide specialized solutions. Competence in vendor management enables finance professionals to choose the right partners, negotiate contracts, and ensure the seamless integration of third-party technologies.
  4. Innovation and Adaptability: Digital disruption requires a proactive approach to innovation. Finance professionals should possess the ability to adapt to emerging technologies and identify opportunities for implementing them to drive growth and efficiency.

Strategies for Nurturing Digital Competencies

  1. Identifying Talent: Recruitment should focus not only on traditional finance skills but also on candidates with a strong foundation in technology. Consider collaborating with specialized recruitment agencies or leveraging online platforms to identify potential hires with the desired digital competencies.
  2. Acquiring Talent: Invest in upskilling and reskilling programs to help current employees acquire the necessary digital skills. Collaborate with online learning platforms, offer workshops, and encourage participation in relevant courses and certifications.
  3. Developing Talent: Create a conducive learning environment that encourages continuous learning and experimentation. Establish mentorship programs, internal knowledge-sharing sessions, and cross-functional projects to facilitate the development of digital competencies.
  4. Retaining Talent: Provide a clear growth path for employees who showcase digital skills. Recognize and reward their contributions to digital transformation initiatives. This can include promotions, salary adjustments, or opportunities to lead digital-focused projects.
  5. Cultivating a Digital Culture: Promote a culture of curiosity, innovation, and adaptability within the finance function. Encourage open discussions about emerging technologies, share success stories, and celebrate digital achievements.

Collaboration between Finance and IT

The relationship between the finance function and the IT department has become symbiotic. Collaborative efforts between these two departments are essential for successful digital transformation. Hajra Karrim CFO, emphasizes that “CFOs and CIOs must work hand-in-hand to align technology initiatives with strategic financial goals. Effective communication and a shared understanding of each other’s objectives are key.”


The future of finance is undeniably intertwined with digital transformation. Finance functions must embrace this reality and proactively equip their workforce with the necessary digital competencies to remain relevant and competitive. Finance leaders like Hajra Karrim CFO, recognize that the future of finance lies in a workforce that is not only financially astute but also digitally adept. As the business landscape continues to advance, embracing digital skills will undoubtedly be the compass that guides CFOs toward success in the digital age.



Hajra Karrim CFO

Seasoned executive offering 14 years’ experience as a CFO of USD$0.5bn sized B2B and B2C businesses.