Why should you use Composition API or Options API based on your project?

2 min readJan 19, 2023


Hello everyone, this week has been very busy and nice again. It is a great feeling for me to constantly learn new information and share it with you. This week, I’m going to tell you about the Composition API and Options API, which is a topic he wants me to research in the project. I touched on topics such as where you should use it and what are its advantages. If you want, let’s get started right away.

Through the Composition API, developers can define a template containing resources and their relationships to create complex, multi-tier applications. The template can then be used to create and update resources as a whole. The approach is useful for applications with many interdependent components, such as web applications with databases and load balancers.

On the other hand, the Options API is a more low-level approach that allows developers to create and manage individual resources separately. This approach is useful for applications that are simple or don’t have many interdependent components.

Both the Compositions API and the Options API have their own use cases and trade-offs. The Compositions API is more powerful and can handle complex applications, but it can also be more difficult to manage and update. The Options API is simpler and easier to use, but it’s not as flexible as the Compositions API.

In summary, the Compositions API is more suitable for complex, multi-tier applications with many interdependent components while the Options API is more suitable for simple applications with less interdependent components.

Good week everyone

Thank you very much for reading.

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