5 Reasons Why You Need To Be a LinkedIn Influencer

Hammad Akbar
7 min readNov 8, 2016



You see:

We live in a world where we have a cut-throat competition in almost everything around us.

Be it products, services or just people!

And to keep running in this intense competition and fastest-growing market you need to have an access to all kind of mediums.

Your online presence has become an evidence of your existence. As they say:

“If it’s not shown, it’s simply not done.”

In this social media savvy culture, apart from your personal blog, LinkedIn profile, Facebook page, Twitter or an Instagram account…

Becoming a LinkedIn Influencer is something which gives you an Actual Credibility!

Being a LinkedIn Influencer gives you a chance to become a Brand Yourself. This platform is a bit different than the rest and so are its Benefits.

Linkedin Influencers is basically a group of people at LinkedIn who are invited by LinkedIn Management itself, to have an Influencer tag on their profile.

These people are mostly thinkers, leaders, and innovators. This tag of ‘Influencer’ completely changes your status.



You might be wondering:

What is a big deal in this particular platform, what’s your gain in getting this particular Tag… it must be raising traffic or leads for LinkedIn but what’s in it for you.. right?

But I would suggest you not to rush to any conclusions yet… because today, I’m going to give you a list of solid benefits that you would get by becoming a LinkedIn Influencer.

Here are 5 Reasons Why You Need To Be a LinkedIn Influencer:

  1. Built-in Relevant Audience:

Now could there be a better opportunity than this?

A platform where you have a built-in relevant community.


Because you have already been posting on the LinkedIn Publishing Platform and people are following you and sharing your content.

Thus, you don’t need to do any hard work over setting up a new blog from the scratch and facing issues related to traffic or anything.

The Influencer tag will upgrade your value and expand your reach without any hassle.


But wait there’s more:

Dharmesh Shah in his post, The Surprising Brilliance Of The LinkedIn Influencers Program, wrote that when he shared his content on other social media platforms…

The maximum number that he got was 50,000+ views.

But when he shared articles on LinkedIn after becoming an Influencer.

The average number of views raised to 123,000 views!!

In fact his most popular article has received 1.2 million views and 4,200 comments!

Isn’t it just so amazing??!

This shows how your reach increases after becoming a LinkedIn Influencer.

Read more to learn on how to come up with more data driven and quality content: Content Creation in a Slump? Here are 5 Ways Qualitative Data Can Help

2. Dramatic Increase in Followers:

Want to know the best part?

Everyone is trying to become a Thought Leader nowadays. Because being a thought Leader doesn’t require you to take any degree or a short course.


You just need to build a personal brand, be vocal about your ideas, keep sharing and keep influencing others around you.


And here is the kicker:

LinkedIn Influencer gives you a platform which makes you a much more credible ‘Thought Leader’ and double your followers in just a number of days.

With an Influencer Tag, people see you as a much more reliable and trusted source of information. Your thought have more weightage now.

Dharmesh Shah also mentions…

That after becoming an influencer, he increased the number of followers by amazing margins.

And that he gained about more 79,000 followers and that too in just 8 months!

While he was able to have 200,000 followers on Twitter after a presence of so many years.

Related Article: Tips for effective content marketing

3. Growth in Networking:

Being an influencer on LinkedIn gives you a great opportunity to grow your network.

And you must not forget:

Networking is everything, literally everything these days. And there is no better way than Using LinkedIn to Grow your Network.


Here are 10 Business Networking Tips By Mike Fishbein which you really need to know to construct a advantageous network.

And here is why am I focusing on Networking, it helps you raise your:

  • Self-confidence
  • Connections
  • Knowledge
  • Expertise
  • Opportunities- be it jobs or Disruptive Business Ideas

And it gets better:

Because LinkedIn Influencer gives you a Perfect Staging for Networking.

See what Dharmesh Shah is mentioning about the number of Likes and Shares he got at two different mediums, namely Twitter and LinkedIn.

He has told us some amazing facts, such as this one:

For one of his posts, he got 485 likes on LinkedIn as compared to 155 tweets on Twitter.


And this was solely because of him being a LinkedIn Influencer.

4. Expanded Branding & Promotion:

Now, here is another interesting part:

You could need a Well-Known Promotional Platform for three different situations, when:

  • You are Branding Yourself
  • You own a Product
  • It’s somebody else’s Brand

For all cases, if you are a LinkedIn Influencer, LinkedIn will help you in:

  • Reaching out a higher number of your target audience
  • Selling and generating higher leads
  • Easily building up a Social CRM
  • Generating higher traffic on your website
  • And getting more Engagement

Furthermore, there are companies like MuseFind which make it easy for both the brands and influencers to find each other collaborate and carry out influencer marketing campaigns.

As Jennifer Li, the CEO of MuseFind, tells:

“We provide a platform to allow brands to find the most relevant influencer, to broadcast and orchestrate them at scale and to provide a way to be able to know how influencers are performing and how it affects the bottom line.”

Yes, these companies will connect you as a LinkedIn Influencer with the relevant brands and will give you a chance to gain more recognition along with a higher reach.

5. Monetary Perks:

You must be thinking that I have been talking a lot about high recognition, wider reach and growing network…

But I haven’t mentioned anything about the monetary benefits yet… right?

There is no need to worry… Because THERE ARE MANY!!

Just Remember:

Once you have made a name, it’s going to be a La-La land all the way long!

Keep in mind:

That you are being tracked through applications like Google Alert and Social Mention to see if you are a suitable influencer to get things reviewed by or not.

Once the product owner decides that you are the right influencer, there are a lot perks waiting for you.


Intelligent Influencers make themselves prominent and focus on their revenue streams, here are some examples of how you can monetize being a LinkedIn Influencer:

  • Review Posts- writing paid reviews on social media platforms
  • Email Marketing- sending sponsored emails
  • Blogging- creating blog posts
  • Vlogging- making promotional videos
  • Branding- becoming Brand Ambassadors for products/services
  • Public Speaking- conducting public speaking sessions
  • On-Air appearances- representing a product TV/radio shows
  • Banner ads- setting up banner ads on your own site
  • Affiliate Network Sales- getting commissions on referral sales
  • Giveaways- getting discount and free goodies

You know we shouldn’t forget the fact that today the Digital Marketing has made marketing competitive and easier at the same time.

And two people can now easily reciprocate in marketing. So all the opportunities mentioned above can be given to other brands and taken from those brands as well.

Influencers can get themselves marketed at the same time through the trending Reciprocal Marketing.

All things Considered!

LinkedIn Influencer is ‘For the Win’ of both, the Influencer and LinkedIn itself.

As the Influencer would love to create and publish his content regularly to be in the eyes of his followers constantly…

While LinkedIn also loves to have more content and generate more traffic. So, this program is working for Both Parties.

I’m sure these perks must have compelled you to become a LinkedIn Influencer right away!

And you know what’s the amazing part?

You really can become one!

And I’m not making a fool out of you here.

Just check out this Complete Guide on how to become a LinkedIn Influencer and you’d be good to go!

Trust me, if you will really follow the tips given in the above mentioned post, you’ll have a sure shot chance of being invited by LinkedIn to become an influencer at their platform.

So just hurry up and do the Prep!

I hope this article helped you in understanding what perks influencer marketing offers you and it would have created an urge in you to become a LinkedIn Influencer.

Would love to have your feedback on it!

Good Luck with all the Profile Building and Networking, Mates!

For more update visit my website: hammadakbar.com



Hammad Akbar

Founder & CEO @TruConversion I Tech Entrepreneur I Passionate and driven about #Entrepreneurship #SaaS #Marketing