The practical way of coming up with ideas

Bogdan Bias
4 min readMay 28, 2021

There’s a strange phenomenon caused by the world we’re living in today, especially when it comes to technology and business.

In our society, the definition of business success is strongly tied to the size of the business. Bigger means better.

I know a lot of people who want to start a business or a project but are stuck in this idea block. Why?

Because all they can think of is how could they build the next Facebook, next Uber or next Amazon?

Moreover, the internet today makes you feel like every idea already exists out there and there’s nothing left for you to do, right?

Well…not quite.

I know the feeling of bumping your head against the wall to come up with the next million-dollar idea that would change the world.

But the reality is different. There’s always room for improvement.

You can generate ideas virtually every day.

The key is to stop thinking of the “next Uber” and start looking more around you.

Try to scratch your own itch.

You’ll soon start to see all sorts of problems that you could potentially solve and turn them into ideas for a side-hustle, small business or start-up.



Bogdan Bias

Obsessed design engineer. Writing about digital entrepreneurship, design & development, and the personal growth in between