2022 and 2023 in The Economist magazine’ covers reviews

Halal Crypto Community
7 min readApr 19, 2023


The covers of the famous The Economist magazine are an endless source of hidden messages which meaning become clear only after the time. At the end of 2021, The Economist big issue was released, offering magazine’s vision of the future events for 2022. Looking at the 2022 cover now, we see that most of the messages encrypted in the form of a collage depicting the leaders of the United States, China, microscopes and symbols of popular cryptocurrencies told us about more than disturbing events. In this article we will analyze these signs, and at the same time try to open the veil of the near future, without forgetting the famous phrase of the ancient Roman scientist and philosopher Cicero — “Quot homines tot sententiae” (So many men, so many opinions)…

The first thing you should pay attention to are the images of US President Biden and President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. They seem to be cut in half, which symbolizes the beginning of a split between the two countries. In addition to this message we see several more symbols of the inevitable conflict: inverted microscopes that look like threatening weapons. The large circle in which these images are enclosed resembles the sonar of a submarine. On the other hand, this image can be viewed as a television broadcast which tells about the power of the media in the confrontation caused by the search for those responsible for the emergence of the COVID-19 epidemic and the skill of propaganda of the United States and China in general.

Multiple photos of a viral spores certainly represent viruses, but they are also very similar to the “mushrooms” of nuclear explosions! The year 2022 has long been over and there was no nuclear war but the confrontation between the United States and China is a much longer–playing topic. Is a war between these super-countries still can become reality? It is impossible to exclude this option. And not only because of disagreements over Taiwan, but also because China and its allies want to know who is really responsible for the coronavirus crisis. Syringes resembling darts may serve to identify the perpetrators of the pandemic.

Another reason for the aggravation of relations between the United States and China may be the energy race associated with the depletion of oil reserves and the transition to alternative energy sources. The symbols of such a theory are wind turbines whose images make it clear that in the end the coronavirus crisis becomes a catalyst for limiting oil consumption.

And now look at the red strokes next to the microscopes? Perhaps this is a warning about the introduction of a global barcode system which helps governments to monitor the inhabitants of the Earth and remotely influence their behavior.

For those who knows about cryptocurrencies, it will not be difficult to find the symbols of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and Cardano (ADA) on this cover. Is this “message” evidence that digital money will become a new way of transferring values and will displace traditional payment methods in the world? Or perhaps the creators of the cover wanted to warn us about the emergence of a new digital currency controlled by the government of China or the United States. Obviously, this did not happen in 2022, and in 2023 we should not expect a transition from fiat money to digital. And therefore, the symbols of popular cryptocurrencies are most likely a “message” telling us that the world economy needs more transparent, fast and reliable payment systems, also related to the desire of China and its allies to “dedollarize” the world economy.

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And now let’s turn to the cover of The Economist, which demonstrates the main trends in world politics and economics in 2023 that continues to develop the “messages” embedded in the cover of 2022.

Of course, the main thing that the reader pays attention to is the increased number of photos of world leaders. This can only mean one thing: changed situation in the world has led to a change in the polarity and redistribution of the influence of countries that were once considered the legislators of all economic and political processes.

The size of these photos has great importance. The most notable are the photos of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Thus, The Economist shows us the two main players in 2023. In addition, Putin is at the center of the entire collage, which suggests that world politics will be centered around him. Biden is the third largest figure in the magazine’s planned “epicenter of war” of 2023. He is followed by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and President of Taiwan Tsai Ingwen. And these two can play an important role in a potential global conflict. Giorgia Meloni (President of the Council of Ministers of Italy) is represented as the sixth and most insignificant figure. By putting it on the cover, The Economist clearly wanted to tell us that neither France, nor Germany, nor the UK will play a significant role in world politics in 2023. This is probably due to the fact that the far-right, one might say neo-fascist, Meloni party came to power during the current economic crisis.

A tiny quadcopter is hanging between Vladimir Putin, Tsai Ingwen and Xi Jinping. This quadcopter has a double meaning. Firstly, it symbolizes bilateral cooperation in the military industry between Russia and China, and secondly, it symbolizes technological cooperation between Russia and China as a whole. Another important object of the cover is a mechanical manipulator arm that embodies scientific and technological progress. It is located between China and Taiwan. Its image and location can be interpreted as a decisive help of technology in the outcome of a possible conflict between China and Taiwan.

Windmills located against the background of president Biden symbolizing the direction towards renewable energy sources. Statements about increasing the construction of such installations became a central moment during the election race of the current US leader, and, according to the creators of the collage, Biden will remain the main supporter of his “green” policy in 2023.

In this issue, The Economist supplements the cover with more material, in which it warns about one event that can change the world economy more than the conflicts currently taking place. In 2023, the world’s largest economies came closer than ever to recession. Central banks are raising interest rates and trying to contain inflation, which has become a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising energy prices. But there is a silver lining. European countries are rushing to secure their energy systems and are already beginning to accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources. If this trend continues, the world expects not only global economic, but also energy shifts.

It is obvious that the times when the world economy will have to find a way out of another crisis are already close. This means that we will all have to make a choice and look for new ways to maintain financial stability.

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