2 min readMar 29, 2016

Raise concern to understand the concerns about defrost chicken

Even though there are huge number of non-vegetarian items available in the market, everyone’s eye will be completely focused on chicken. It is because of its freshness, smoothness and cost. Now-a-days there is no much difference between vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Every person is trying to get the taste of non-veg. When it comes to vegetarians, if they would like to have the taste of non-vegetarian, they will definitely choose chicken as their first choice. The reasons may vary person to person but the type of food is constant. When there is such great demand for chicken, why don’t you try to make it more beautiful and delicious? It is not a big deal to make it tastier. The only thing one need to do is to get to know about the ways of achieving it. One of the essential tasks while preparing chicken item is to defrost it. This should be performed very cleverly which otherwise spoils the dish. So we need to create awareness on how to defrost chicken. Though it’s not a tough one, it is to be considered as high priority job because the taste of food is having dependency on it.

Let us figure out few concerns that are to be taken into account while chicken defrosting.

· Keep less chicken in the microwave: If the microwave is filled with many pieces, then it will consume more time than expected and the inside part will not be subjected to heat properly.

· Use low temperature: In order to complete the work, do not try to increase the temperature. Because it will make your chicken to boil when it is defrosting. If high temperature is used, it will compel you to cook immediately as it will be boiled mostly.

· Keep an eye on the time and machine: It is common that we forget once chicken pieces are places inside microwave and some shit happens. So do not give chance for the machine to spoil the flesh. If you are not sure about the exact time, try to open it and check the condition by touching it in the middle.

· Do not forget to use Ziploc bag: If you choose tap water then it is necessary to keep the meat inside a Ziploc bag to avoid direct contact with outside environment.

Whatever may be the process you follow to defrost chicken, pay attention towards the discussed areas and make your dream item without much trouble. If you follow them, it is possible to make a tasty and super chicken to surprise your loved ones.