Top Beard care brands in India

Jason hales
3 min readSep 2, 2018

Growing a beard is nothing short of an art — like a painting. But maintaining a good, sturdy beard over a long time is also necessary — think art preservation.

This is the one area many would-be hunks falter in. After all, anyone can just grow a beard, it’s automatic evolution at work but maintaining the slick texture and look is what takes effort. Here’s where the following must-haves come into play, making beard maintenance a breeze!

1) Set Wet Beard Care products

Think of the word ‘beard’ in your head and in comes this brand in your mind!

Keep your beard game strong with Set Wet’s Beard Gel and Beard Cream.

Set Wet Beard Gel keeps your beard set for hours to create a timeless impression. Its unique Aloe Vera formula protects your skin so that you can rock your beard without it feeling like a rock!

Set Wet Beard Cream contains conditioning oils for a smooth and sexy look for your beard. Bid adieu to messy and rough beards and welcome brute beauty!

Sada sexy raho and May The Beard Be With You! Get Set Wet Beard care products from FlipKart, Nykaa or on Amazon here and here.

2) Beardo Grooming products for Men

When your brand’s name itself contains the word beard in it, there’s little doubt what it sells! Beardo is another new-age beard care brand that is popular among young men who want to look cool. And no, they don’t just make beard products but also make hair and skin products — the name is just to funk it up higher!

Beardo was so popular when it launched that Set Wet’s (see #1 up top) parent company Marico actually acquired a 45% stake in Beardo last year!

Want to opt for Set Wet’s younger cousin Beardo? Then head to Amazon, FlipKart or Nykaa.

3) Ustraa Beard Care

The new kid on the block — ‘Ustraa’ by Happily Unmarried (sorry to all the Sadly Married guys! :P) is quite popular of late. Known for it’s quirky take on male grooming, Ustraa provides a range of beard care products that give your beard the respect it deserves.

Want to give your face an Ustraa look? Or looking to gift your man an Ustraa? Then stop looking at pointy, shiny barber’s knives and instead head to Amazon, FlipKart or Nykaa or from Happily Unmarried’s Ustraa website.

