Simple Reasons Compound Bows Beat The Rest

Hunting Trip
2 min readJan 18, 2018


The best compound bows are bows with a lever made of cables that bend the limbs.They have both lower and upper portions providing the power and flex for ejecting the arrow.

When you compare the limbs of a modern compound bow with the ones of a recurve bow, the ones for modern compound bow are stiff. Compound bows are not made of wood and are hence incomparable to the longbow in terms of stiffness. There is no one time that wood can be compared to the superior materials that make compound bows.

To counteract the extra stiffness, the compound bow has a series of levers and even pulleys.Actually, if the bows lacked the pulleys and levers, there would be no way to flex the bow.Drawing the string back provides a mechanical advantage that increases the energy to the peak weight and then energy is accurately released to launch the arrow. Click here to visit website!

There is no type of weather that prohibits the use of the best compound bows. The recurve bow is very different in this aspect.It cannot be used when it is raining or in damp weather. Using the wooden bow in sunny weather presents varying differences to when using it on damp or rainy weather. In hot climates, the wood used in wooden bows crack as it releases the oil in the wood.

The appropriate time that the compound bow came into use is in the 1960s. That is the time when the first patent for the bow was applied for by a Missouri man.From that time, many serious hunters and archers have abandoned their old-fashioned wooden or recurve bows for a compound bow. The compound bow comes in handy if offering better velocity as well as increased accuracy. Be sure to check out this website at and know more about compound bows.

Arguments abound among hunters on the best compound bow. They not only disagree in this but also on the best materials for making the bow.The proposals range from aluminum to magnesium or aluminum alloy.

The levers and pulleys store no energy, and therefore all the energy for the bow comes from the limbs.How the cams and wheels are constructed is important since they need to move the string.This movement must be smooth. The term string continues to be used even though there is no string in compound bows. Highly efficient polyethylene cables that hold huge tensile strength are used in place of strings.

They are not meant to stretch so as not to reduce efficiency which is reduced in stretching.Stretching is no good for efficiency.

There is much accuracy displayed by the compound bow from The Best Compound Bows.

