Anxiety Prospers Among College Students

Haley DePersenaire
3 min readMar 23, 2023


Mental health is one of the most important issues in our modern world today. Although we are becoming more educated on the matter, it does not mean there is not a large battle continuously taking place. Mental health issues do not discriminate by age, and yet there has been a large increase among college students.

College students are often expected to perform at a high level and maintain a competitive GPA, which can often be a source of stress and anxiety. This pressure can be compounded by the fear of disappointing parents or peers. In addition to academic pressures, college students may also experience anxiety related to their social lives. The college environment can be overwhelming, with new social situations and peer pressure to engage in certain behaviors, such as going out to parties and fitting the status quo. This can lead to social anxiety, which is characterized by a fear of being judged or rejected in social situations. The transition to college life can also be a source of anxiety. Many students are away from home for the first time and may feel homesick or isolated. They may also struggle with the freedom and independence that comes with college life, and feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of managing their own lives. Change can always be a big stimulus for anxiety.

When You Lose to Anxiety.

During the first semester of my second year attending college, my anxiety overtook my life. It became nearly impossible to maintain my regular rigorous schedule. I felt the pressure of maintaining my 4.0 GPA, making the dean’s list, and keeping up with my sorority. I began to skip class weekly, miss nearly all sorority events, and struggle to find time to sleep, eat, and perform any physical activity. I found myself needing a break, and booking a flight home to New Jersey. Little did I know that “break” would mean me attending classes virtually for the next 5 months from the comfort of my bedroom. I won’t lie to you, those 5 months were extremely difficult, as I was completely isolated from everything I had known, including my routine, my friends, and essentially my entire life at college. I was alone with my worries and anxieties drowning me.

A Different Perspective of Anxiety

I later found that the break that I took was exactly what I needed. Upon my arrival back to school, I felt stronger than ever. Despite the fact that I had to push through a terrible 5 months, I knew that I had made it to the other side. Having anxiety led me to work and push myself harder. Knowing that I can overcome anxiety has become the largest inspiration in my life. Having anxiety has helped me prosper, and to push myself further in all aspects of my life.

Dealing with anxiety can be challenging, but it can also help us build resilience. As we learn to cope with anxiety and find ways to manage it, we become better equipped to handle other challenges in our lives. Learning how to manage anxiety can help college students learn to manage smaller stressors, teaching them to cope with a large exam or receiving a bad grade the same way they would go about their mental health.

