You Are Who You Expresses To Be

Why Self-expression is a Must for Everyone

Haley Min
4 min readMar 30, 2020

For those who need reasons to love yourself

Earning respect and love from yourself is the most powerful and lasting source of strength, faith and joy. Unlike every other love you could gain from other sources which doesn’t like long — it comes and goes, and you cannot control it — unreliable, conditional love. The only person who will never turn back on you is yourself.

Self-expression is a deep conversation to yourself

How many times in your life have you talked to yourself? And for how long? If we want to know something deep, we need to invest a good amount of time. You need to spare some time completely for yourself all alone to observe your emotions, thoughts, and personalities, in other words, having a deep conversation to yourself.

Self-expression — draw

There are various ways of self-expressions — writing, dancing, singing, drawing, acting, and so forth. Choose whichever you feel like. And do it everyday, if you can, or at least 3 times a week. When you are working on it, ask yourself questions. For example, I chose drawing as a self-expression tool, and I asked questions like, why I chose this color, why I want to draw this, what I was thinking when I draw this.

It might feel awkward and boring in the beginning, but keep asking yourself questions. In my experience, it took me 2–3 years of at least an hour everyday for the change to took place — the change that I better know myself, and better love myself.

Self-expression makes you realize you are the only and unique

The goal of self-expression is not to become a master at it, but to realize how different and unique you are from others. Take a good observation of your self-expressing outcomes and see how it’s different from other people’s expressions. This doesn’t mean you are either superior or inferior to others. Once you understand yourself from the bottom of your heart, you will see every single person is different and unique.

Self-expression creates positive self-image

Self-expression is a mirror showing one’s inner-self. When we work on self-expressing activities everyday, it is like creating a new self-images everyday. Every single day, you will see how developed you are from yesterday, and finally you realize you detach from old images of yourself — superficial, and prejudged images of yourself — and create positive self-images. Self-expression leads to self-love and if enough work’s been loaded, in the end, it leads to positive self-images.

Don’t be scared to learn about yourself and show who you are to others. It is okay to be unique, and different. Everyone is unique in their own way, and worth loving.

The real reason why I share this…

A few days ago, I was asked how I started photography. And I said, it was the easiest way I could find, at the time, to express myself.

For a really long time, I was in a self-hatred mood. I had so many negative thoughts and emotional distress towards me. I had thousands of reasons makes me think that I was not good, and not worth loving.

I believe I’m not the only one, who feels so unstable and anxious about themselves. Even a superstar like Billy Ellish confessed about hating herself.

I really, really, really, really hate myself

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Self-expression — taking photos of yourself

However, once I start to express myself, obscure and invisible self-identity became more and more clear and concrete. We fear something when we don’t know about it — once I reveal myself through various self-expression activities, I wasn’t afraid of who I am anymore.

Regrets, self-hatred, feelings of un-acceptance and all the negative memories from past and present lessened as I work on self-expression, and I transitioned slowly from avoiding myself to accepting myself as it is.

This process is still ongoing. And I think that will be my life-time homework that I should keep working on. And I hope everyone else, who wants to get out of the self-destroying mood, just do anything that they can to express who they truly are. Embark on this journey with me together.

