Exploring the World of Adventurous Halflings

Halflington Post
6 min readJan 2, 2023


Part of the Adventurous Halfling collection

Why Halflings?
The Adventurous Halflings collection is specifically designed to bring the world of Middle Earth to life with a focus on the smaller inhabitants. With these NFTs, anyone can create their own Middle Earth-inspired characters and experiences, and share them with others. Whether you’re a fan of Tolkien or just a fan of fantasy and magic in general, this collection is sure to provide something special and enjoyable.
Halflings are a unique race, small and peaceful, but full of courage and determination. They are a reminder that beauty and strength can come in small packages, and that even the smallest of us can make a big difference. Our collection is a tribute to the courage and spirit of this small race, and a reminder to us all that we are all capable of greatness.

What is our goal?
By handing holders the tools to co-create with us on stories, name changing and trait swapping, we hope to create a vibrant and engaging environment in which halflings can develop their own unique stories. Our goal is to offer a truly personal experience to holders of the halflings, allowing them to become part of the creative process. We believe that by providing interactive NFTs, we will be able to create a truly engaging and memorable experience for our holders.

What can I do with my Halfling?
Besides instantly becoming part of the Halfling community, inhabitant of Middle Earth and holder of a piece from a truly unique NFT collection with over 264 different traits (and growing), you will also be able to interact with your Halfling in multiple ways.

How to interact with my Halfling?
You will be able to start your co-creating adventure by changing the name and story of your Halfling to give it a first personal touch. Want to change the appearance of your Halfling? You will be able to use our traitswap feature to change every trait except facial features to maintain the halfling’s personality.

Personalized Halflings on OpenSea

Now your Halfling is ready for an adventure! So let’s go.

On our website you will be able to pick 1 of 3 adventures. Each adventure has its own requirements. Want to go alone or with some company? That’s up to you.

The adventures take several days (depending on your pick), you will be updated with daily adventurous parts of the story and will receive a beast from our Adventurous Beast collection as reward.

Uncovering the Features

Name & story change
By offering our holders the option to give the NFT a unique name and story, we create a more immersive and engaging experience for the owner and possibly anyone else who interacts with it. With this new feature, new characters with a story will be born. This is our first step towards co-creation with our holders.

Name & story change

Halfling adventures are what we call a ‘story staking’ model. In this model, Halfling holders will be updated with a part of a story on a daily basis, with the full story being released over a set period of time. This model was first used to launch our second collection called Adventurous Beasts. These adventures lead up to the point that the halfling(s) find a beast and return home with it. Adventurers are rewarded with this new beast NFT.

This model will be used for future adventures and also holds collaborative potential.

Select adventure

This feature allows holders to customize their NFTs with a variety of different traits, giving them the ability to become a co-creator of their own NFT. The Trait Swap feature works by allowing users to select certain traits and “swap” them with another.

For example, a user could swap a plain blue background for a beautiful landscape, or swap a pie for a god mode sword.


When equipping a new trait on your Halfling the trait will be burned and added to the NFT. When a trait is removed, the trait will be minted to your inventory. Traitswap is completely on-chain and therefore swapping traits requires a transaction.

Every (unequipped) trait owned by holders are tradeable in our collection of ‘Halflings Items & Backgrounds’.

Traitswap video

What are the benefits of Traitswap for Adventurous Halflings?
1. Higher engagement and retention: By encouraging users to swap traits, the project can foster a more engaged and loyal user base that is more likely to stay for the long term.

2. Increased number of holders: Because of the unique and novel nature of the project, it can motivate potential collectors to become part of the collection.

3. Improved collaboration and partnerships: Collaborating with other NFT projects and working on recognizable traits together can open up new opportunities and potentially enable new ways of collaborating and creating shared value.

4. Wider reach and access to a new audience: By collaborating on new traits with other projects, Adventurous Halflings can reach a wider audience that may not have been explored before.

5. Increased revenue opportunity: By offering new traits to existing holders, the project found a potential new revenue stream. The revenue generated with this new feature will be used to create new traits or flow into other aspects of the project.

What are the benefits for other brands to collaborate by using traitswap?
- Increased brand visibility and recognition: By collaborating with Adventurous Halflings, the brands involved can benefit from increased visibility and recognition within this collection. Visibility grows with the project, by collaborating we will be creating shared value.

- Increased revenue: Collaborating on traits that will be implemented in the Adventurous Halflings collection will potentially increase revenue for collaborating projects. The project will receive an x percentage of every co-created trait that’s been sold.

Ranking & traitswap
By swapping traits, holders can have an impact on the ranking of their NFT within the collection. Although ranking is important to some, we thrive to make it less significant within our collection, as every single Halfling has its own story and value, just like us humans.

- OG traits: The amount of original traits that existed on Halflings before traitswap went live, will remain. There will never be more of these traits created.

- New traits: These traits will be sold in Dalfin’s shop (halflings.art/shop-nft), gifted or rewarded when going on adventure. New traits will be sold on an amount-limited or time-limited basis. The amount of time-limited traits sold will therefore be determined by interest of holders.

Fastest way to check the updated metadata would be on our website, via: https://halflings.art/checker

Fast check metadata

1/1 Halflings cannot be changed.

Note: Traits will be present in 2 collections (Adventurous Halflings & Halflings Items & Backgrounds) and thus the amount of both combined determines the rarity of a specific trait. Therefore it is important to have a clear understanding of how ranking works within the Adventurous Halflings collection before purchasing something based on ranking alone.

What is next?
Follow our path to stay up-to-date as we keep exploring WEB3.



Halflington Post

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