Can i take out a payday loan in washington if i already have one in oregon?

24 min readMar 5, 2019


Can i take out a payday loan in washington if i already have one in oregon?

I live in oregon where you are only allowed to establish one payday loan at a time within the state. However I was wondering if I would be able to take out a payday loan in washington, where you can have more than one at a time. Since they are not within the same state, would I be able to do that? Please no lectures on payday loans and Their so called evil. I promise I’m a big girl, capable of coherant thought.

Answer : I suggest one to try this web site where one can get from different companies: .

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About 5 years ago the job I was working at closed down. I started goin into debt. Simply credit cards and payday loans. I was taken to court and judgements were entered against me. I got another job 4 years ago and have been slowly paying off my debt. My problem is my car that I have had for 14 years finally died the other day and I still have 3 bills left to pay..2 are judgements. I have received letters from them asking me to settle..the total for all would be $3,000. I want to apply for a car loan and extra for them to pay off my final 3 debts and that would put me with no debt to pay off but this loan. I am applying at the credit union that my job goes through and they deduct the loan from my check weekly before my paper check even comes to me? My question is …how likely is it that I will get a loan? Thanks alot for any advice that anyone can give me…””
“Can i take out a payday loan in washington if i already have one in oregon?

I live in oregon where you are only allowed to establish one payday loan at a time within the state. However I was wondering if I would be able to take out a payday loan in washington, where you can have more than one at a time. Since they are not within the same state, would I be able to do that? Please no lectures on payday loans and Their so called evil. I promise I’m a big girl, capable of coherant thought.

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“”What does deferred payment”””” mean on my credit report?””””””
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“”425 credit score, what do I do?””
I believe my credit may have been screwed over by another, but alot of my debt is my own. So how do I recover? Do I just file for bankruptcy? Or dispute? And if so how do I do either of them? What are the consequences of bankruptcy?””
Personal Loans in canada?
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Why can’t I view my credit score online?
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What should I do with this payday loan issue?
I’m a poor college student whose fallen victim to an online payday loan scheme on a website that went out to several companies, however I put my stupid information in and got approved for one and now got some money, but now they keep calling threaten me with arrest or jail because I can’t pay it back. I didn’t sign for anything, and the company that gave me the loan is CUTTER GROUP LLC and they have an F in the BBB. I would pay, however I can’t find a job in this economy a young person like me keeps looking and I can’t find it. What should I do?””
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Student loans & bankruptcy?
I,m a single mother & overwhelmed with credit card debt and student loans. Someone told me that if my student loans were not government loans they could be included in bankruptcy, is this true and what about pelle grants””
“”If a house burns down, does the insurance pay off the mortgage, & then make you turn the land over to them?””
If a house burns down, does the insurance company pay off the mortgage, & then make you turn the property deed over to them so they can sell the land & get back what they had to pay out, or do they make you rebuild or buy another house? I have a bet riding on this BTW””
How should I handle my credit cards?
I have three credit cards, and one store credit card. I carry a 1000 dollar balance on one of them and the limit is 7500. I plan on using 5000 from the card with the 7500 credit line to add to the purchase of a used car because I have limited cash right now, and I’m pretty sure I will have to buy a used car because it looks like my car is unrepairable and I do not have access to a bus. The offer is for 1 year 0 interest then 8.9% fixed on whatever is left. So, if I pay it back 3000 of it over 12 months I’ll be fine paying off the rest in another year…so I will come out much cheaper than on auto loan. But, will running that high of a balance hurt me over the course of the year? Will that hurt my credit, or will that actually continue to improve it? Also, should I cancel one of the other cards that I haven’t used for 2 years. I’m afraid they are going to start charging me an inactivity fee, will it look bad if I cancel that card?””
Free Credit Report question…?
I’m trying to get onto, but it’s asking for a credit card number…it says its needed to establish my account, and won’t be used for anything else. Thing is, i don’t have a credit card. I’m trying to get a credit report because some outstanding things have come to my attention, and want to see my report. Does anyone know a way around this? Thanks in advance to everyone! :)””
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hi im working in dubai my salary is 60000 rupees , can i get a home loan in india, im an indian , what will be the amount eligible , what should be my minimum serving period in the current company. im 23yrs old. i have 4 years work experience. im in the current company for past 6 months””
Take cash or Credit Card to Vegas?
I will be going to Vegas next week, is it better to carry cash with me, or take a credit card?””
“Can i take out a payday loan in washington if i already have one in oregon?

I live in oregon where you are only allowed to establish one payday loan at a time within the state. However I was wondering if I would be able to take out a payday loan in washington, where you can have more than one at a time. Since they are not within the same state, would I be able to do that? Please no lectures on payday loans and Their so called evil. I promise I’m a big girl, capable of coherant thought.

“”Hello guys , I was wondering is thier any auto Loans for brand new cars under 2% , I am putting 10k down,?””
So i was wondering where would i be able to find a auto loan for under 2% , also looking to buy the 2008 accord! or Lexus 250 , Bmw 330, or something similar! Please mesg me!””
Personal or Auto Loan?
Ok, i am buying a car off a family member, There lease is up on there G35 and he asked me if i wanted to buy out his lease for $21,000. I sayed im deffinatly intersted.””
Is half price lawyers a good option for bankruptcy?
I hear ya… I dont wanna do it, but at this point, its my only way out. Anyways, I did get the scoop on the half priced lawyers. a few of my friends who have had to declare were in line in court and the clients represented by half priced lawyers had to reschedule a new hearing due to incomplete or inaccurate paperwork. Every single one! So I guess they do half the work for you. HA! I guess I’ll go to a lawyer to get it done once and for all, for a slightly higher price. “”
Help with loans?
my partner needs to get a loan to buy a car. he has been unemployed for about a fortnight and has been offered a job but needs a car to get there. does anyone no of any good loan companies?
What does the gambling word vic/vickerage mean?
In the tv show 2 and 1/2 men Charlie uses this term to teach Jake about gambling
“”When going thru a bankruptcy, whose responsibility is it to obtain the reaffirmation agreement for a vehicle?””
Is it the responsibility of the attorney who is representing you, or is it the responsibility of the person going thru bankruptcy?””

Can you explain Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Best way to fix your credit?
any websites that will help?
Craigslist Job Scam? Legitimate?
This job is asking for a credit report which I think is weird. Do you think this is a job scam? Should I do the credit report? The reply to my Craigslist response to them is as follows: Congratulations! You are being being offered a position as a warehouse worker with Kelly Staffing Services
Sould i file bankruptcy?
hi im 22 with about 23000 in med bills and a repo i dont know if im supose to pay for a repo but if i do it 22000 that i owe i guess thats what the car cost sould i file bankruptcy and what would happen to my c score and will it stay on there forever
“”How do I get a free credit report, not the free”””” kind…really free?””””

“”Need a web site to find out if a company in NC. is in bankruptcy, can anyone tell me a way to find this out??

What happens if i file bankruptcy? does my car go back to the bank? what about my credit cards?how do i file?

How would I rise my credit score in 8 months?
I’m going to buy a house in 8 months and would like to rise my score as much as I can.
Where can I get a reasonable interest rate auto loan with bad credit? I’ve been quoted 18.99%?
I’ve been quoted 18.99% on with a 630 credit rating. Is this something I should expect and suck it up and deal with it?
Why are credit cards evil?
I’m 19 and I just got approved for 2 one for $1000, and one for $500.. should i use them?””

How do I get a Post Bankruptcy loan?

What does it mean when a credit card interest rate says Prime plus 3%?
The rate on this card is 12% plus the prime plus 3% thing. I only use it to travel, all balance are paid in full, was just curious.””


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“Can i take out a payday loan in washington if i already have one in oregon?

I live in oregon where you are only allowed to establish one payday loan at a time within the state. However I was wondering if I would be able to take out a payday loan in washington, where you can have more than one at a time. Since they are not within the same state, would I be able to do that? Please no lectures on payday loans and Their so called evil. I promise I’m a big girl, capable of coherant thought.

I have lost my payment book for my car loan and have no way to contact the company. What should i do?
I lost my payment book for my car loan. All I have is the name of the company and my account number. i ahve looked online but am unble to find the address or number to contact them for another book. the company is Citizen Automobile Finance inc. What should i do?

Where can I get an $5000 unsecured consolidation loan w/o having to pay any upfront fee?
I’ve seen all the ones from Africa and they all need a $100–200 cost up front which could easily be a scam for even more money; which would be very hard to get even that money back with payments continuing on and on and on. The payday loans all want you to start out with smaller amounts and then more later but their fees are astronomically high to say the least. Small business loans are hard to come buy w/o a great business plan and or good credit. I, by the way, have an average of around 600 credit socre, which is considered good but then the type of credit prroblems like lates payments and closed accounts don’t help either. Philanthropists are both hard to find and pursuade; and relatives are next to impossible it seems these days. Any ideas anyone?””


How long does it take for a delinquent account to come off my credit report if i have paid it off?
i paid off a delinquent credit card a few weeks ago and need to know how long it takes to show on my credit report that it’s been paid off…
Car loan with bad credit?
Hey everyone! So my situation is this.. how realistic is it to get a car loan with subprime credit around roughly low 500's? I have roughly 1500–2000 dollars to put down. I know a few car dealers personally so i was wondering if that helps as well.
Can i get a no credit/ poor credit auto loan with 1 month employment?
i just got a new job, can i get a no credit/ poor credit auto loan after working for a month i have $1000 down payment. the loan is no more the $13,000 do they actually call your job when you put down your work number?””
Calculus Related Rates Cube Problem!?
A heap of rubbish in the shape of a cube is being compacted into a smaller cube. Given that the volume decreases at a rate of 7 cubic meters per minute, find the rate of change of an edge, in meters per minute, of the cube when the volume is exactly 125 cubic meters.””
Chase closed my account because of a online payday loan how can I reopen it?

Hi need to get a credit report done online to show to my mortgage broker?
Need a credit report ASAP to show to the broker tommorow Thanks
Where can i get a car loan whith out credit?
hellow, im 19-year old who just finished high school, im trying to get a loan for a car but i have no credit and no co-signer, i need about $4000. i have a minimum wage job becouse i have no car so i make anout $750 a moth, but dont pay any major bills. so where would my best place to get a car loan if i can? i can pay about $200 a month for the loan.””
I need 600$ .how to get payday loan ?
are there any true payday loan sites
How much is monthly payments for a 4000 car.?
OK, everyone keeps talking me signing a contract at 17. I know this information. My 42 year old mother with good credit will get the car.So she will be getting me the car and ill pay here. She also drives a 2013 rx lexus,if that matters. so once again i ask the question. sorry if i didnt make it clear that she was buying.””
My fiance is considering filing bankruptcy how will this affect me?
i want to marry this guy, i love him and im expecting my first child. but he has bad credit and mine is fair…how will it affect me if he files for bankruptcy does this affect my credit when i marry him?””
How can i get a loan to buy an existing established small business/ restaurant?
I am 20 years old, just out of college, and have been a general manager at a small restaurant for a couple of years. I am looking to get 100 percent financing from the seller, and am willing to give the seller a 15 percent APR financing. basically, will my lack of money down be compensated by the fact that the business is already existing (it’s turn-key””””) and the fact that I am willing to offer an APY of 15 percent (or even higher!).””””””

hello guys, i am 22 years old,have a $1900 job for 2 years,credit score 670,looking to get a loan to buy a car $15000,do you think i will make it? thanks alot and god bless you all””
How can I get my online credit report?
I’ve been trying to see my credit report and I don’t know how to access it. Any Suggestions….please!

What are my options for an auto loan with poor credit? (detailed)?
I live in the state of Wisconsin. 99% of negative accounts have been removed from my credit report due to the length of time they occurred. I have a tax lien (paid), medical bill (paid) and ongoing utility account in good standing that remain, and I do not have a lengthy history of credit.. My Experian score is 635 and Transunion is 532 if that helps a little. I’ve been at the same employer for a year and a half, and have rented the same apartment for over a year. (I know I’ve heard they look at those things too sometimes.) I am seriously looking to build my scores from this point on, but need an auto loan right now. Is there an estimate of what a person with my credit would pay for an interest rate, or where the best place for a loan would be? I can put down between $2000–2500, and am looking to borrow between $6–8000 for a used car.””
Payday Loan help please?
I owe a payday loan the sum of $250. It is in collections and they set up a payment plan to help me pay it off. I already paid $50. The original amount of the loan was $300. My next payment is $75. I lost my debit card and had to close it to protect myself from fraudulent purchases. I contacted them and told them that I have to buy a prepaid debit card, so I can continue making the payments. They said that I cannot modify or change the type of payment I give them, so they won’t let me use another debit card to pay my bill. I then told them I had the money to pay the rest of they balance in full, and they said they cannot do that ether. They said once they make the agreement I must use that debit card for all payments, and that I have to pay the amount due, which was fine until I lost the card. Is it legal for them to do this, I mean what type of company won’t let you pay more then I told them I would pay. I still had the card open at the time and was willing to pay the remaining balance, but they told me I can’t do that. I am surly not going to leave my card open because if someone finds my card they can have a field day. Can I take legal action against this company or should I talk to the supervisor.””
What are some thing to do to repair credit after bankruptcy?

Best buy credit card upgraded help?
Logged in today and i had a message saying my best buy credit card had been upgraded to a mastercard ehat does this mean…. i have a limit og $1,500..does it mean an increase on my limit??? Help please””
How can I get rid of my home?
Like many people, my home is quickly losing value and I owe more on my home than it’s worth. What are my options? It is getting harder for us to afford our mortgage payments, due to the blessing of our new child. This home was only supposed to be our started home, but it seems like its going to be our retirement home now. I don’t think we are very good candidates for bankruptcy since it costs us about $1500/month for mortgage/taxes/equity loan/insurance payments and we earn about $5000/mo. However, it would be about $700–800/mo cheaper for us to rent or own a larger home for our growing family. With no end in sight to the housing crisis, it seems best to get rid of our home before it loses any more value and save money to prepare for the economic recession ahead. The fair market value of our home is probably $110k now. However, we owe about $180k in a refinanced mortgage. We are also paying the bank a home loan insurance, because the loan is greater than the value of the home. I would like to just surrender our deed in lieu of foreclosure to our lender, but don’t want to be stocked with having to pay for the rest of the loan. Would my lender take back a loan like this? Do they have the option of making me keep my home and only foreclose if I miss payments? How does it work if I WANT to give up my home and walk away? What if we try to sell our house at the current market value or in a short sale? Would we have pay the rest of what we owe at the closing? What are the tax consequences of a short sale? Can anybody help us decide what to do? Are bankruptcy or foreclosure options I should consider? Would I owe taxes after a foreclosure? Could I even declare bankruptcy if we’re making the current payments easily and have an excellent credit score?””
“Can i take out a payday loan in washington if i already have one in oregon?

I live in oregon where you are only allowed to establish one payday loan at a time within the state. However I was wondering if I would be able to take out a payday loan in washington, where you can have more than one at a time. Since they are not within the same state, would I be able to do that? Please no lectures on payday loans and Their so called evil. I promise I’m a big girl, capable of coherant thought.

