Surviving as a QA Engineer — 1: Working with Developers

Halil Kiracı
3 min readOct 26, 2023


In today’s fast-paced software development world, being an effective Quality Assurance (QA) professional is no easy feat. In order to really survive as a QA engineer in that jungle, you need to get equipped with proper “tools” and “skills”.

I’m starting a series of blog posts, Surviving as a QA Engineer, beginning with this one. We’ll explore essential methods that have greatly contributed to my journey as a QA engineer, collaborating with various stakeholders like developers, product owners, managers, and support teams etc. I hope you find value in this series.

So, let’s get started!

First post of the series is about how to survive as a QA engineer while working with developers.

1. Understand the Developer’s Perspective

I consider developers to be the most crucial stakeholders for a QA engineer. Unfortunately, there’s often a tendency for developers and testers to point fingers at each other when things go wrong. It’s essential to prevent miscommunication and foster empathy to ensure that the collaborative effort you put in doesn’t go to waste.

To be an exceptional QA understanding developers better, it’s vital to get into the shoes of a developer. This means occasionally delving into the code, understanding their challenges, and fostering empathy for the complexities they face. By doing so, you’ll start using the same language with developers. You’ll also gain valuable insights into potential bug root causes, making your bug reports more informative and actionable.

2. Champion Quality

Understanding developer’s perspective is important but always remember, your primary role is to champion quality. Be the voice that consistently advocates for a high standard of work. Clearly communicate your unique QA perspective to the team, emphasizing the importance of thorough testing. Let them know in advance how you plan to approach testing, ensuring everyone is aligned on expectations.

Never lose sight of the fact that you’re primarily paid to ensure quality. This isn’t just a part of your job — it’s the essence of it. Your insights and expertise are invaluable in safeguarding the product’s integrity. Uphold the standard of quality in everything you do.

3. Shape Implementation

Don’t be afraid to actively shape the implementation process. Collaborate with developers and stakeholders to ensure that quality considerations are integrated from the start. By providing your input during the planning and design phases, you can prevent potential pitfalls and streamline the testing process.

4. Embrace Automation

Automation is a QA professional’s best friend. It’s not just about automating test execution; it’s about automating whatever can be automated. This includes tasks like data preparation, regression testing, and repetitive workflows. By harnessing the power of automation, you free up time for everyone in development team; better focus on implementation and design for developers, more exploratory and critical testing for testers.

In conclusion, thriving as a QA engineer in a development team requires a multifaceted approach. Key strategies above will set you apart. Remember, you are the guardian of quality, and your contributions are pivotal in delivering exceptional software.

Note: Thanks to ChatGPT for helping me paraphrasing my ideas with fancy sentences :)

