The latest breakthrough decentralized messenger from Olportal

halimah dahlan
4 min readMar 17, 2020

The era of digitalization as it is now has made people can communicate easily one of them by relying on social media. There are several social media choices that can be used as alternatives for communication such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Telegram, Pad and so on. As we know that currently there are a lot of message features that can be utilized by the community, where people can not only send messages in the form of text, but also can send messages in the form of Emoji and Gif so that they can add new messages to the conversation . Over time the message feature is increasingly developing and can help people to communicate, especially long distance communication.

Currently there is one blockchain-based platform that transforms Messenger so that it can be applied by people with functional functionality. Where Messenger will be integrated with artificial intelligence, so it can make users send text messages without having to type a sentence that is long enough. Not only that, decentralized Messenger from Olportal also has other sophistication such as being able to make messages on behalf of and imitate the characteristics of its users with a very high degree of similarity. So the chatter will not understand that the recipient of the message is an AI neurobot from the Olportal platform. How can this happen ?, This can of course be done easily, in which the user only needs to choose a few chat suggestions that have been submitted by AI neurobots, of course the suggestions proposed have to do with previous chats. So users no longer need to spend a lot of time thinking about what replies are appropriate for the chat.

Other sophistication possessed by neurobots from the Olportal platform can also be seen from the many advertisements regarding shopping places, shops and so forth. For example, your chat partner replies to a message or invites you to meet in one of the shopping places, with the sophistication of the AI ​​neurobot, he will automatically suggest shopping places that are holding special discounts. Later you will be given the option to send locations to your chat opponents and be able to hold meetings at the shopping center. Did you know that when you make a payment, you will automatically get discounts and prizes because you have successfully invited other people to do shopping at the place, the prize will also be given to you through the AI ​​neurobot. This of course can help users, because at the moment a lot of meetings are canceled because they don’t find a suitable place. Therefore by using AI neurobots, you can quickly decide which locations provide discounts and benefit you. Therefore, AI neurobots from Olportal can also be used as a field to gain profitability through discounts provided on certain advertisements.

Surely questions will arise in the minds of users, how these neurobots can be used and utilized in accordance with the characteristics of its users. This of course can be done neurobot ai have a system integrated into artificial intelligence so that it can adapt itself to user characteristics. But if you feel that AI neurobots do not represent your characteristics, then you can develop the neurobots, because Olportal provides a system or software that is open source, so they will accept the development carried out by technology activists. Later neurobots can be developed, designed, and trained in accordance with the wishes of their owners.

Noted as a blockchain-based platform, of course Olportal will accept cryptocurrency as a tool for making payment transactions. Where OLCF tokens are cryptocurrency tokens issued by the platform and can be used to make payment transactions for users who make purchases of AI neurobots. Later these tokens can be put into a digital wallet or OLWallet, which is a multifunctional digital wallet that supports the use of various kinds of cryptocurrency so that it can make it easier for users to make payment transactions. Not only provides digital wallet, Olportal also provides several other features that can be used by users to make transactions such as a debit card called OLCARD.

Did you know that the neurobot can not only be used to facilitate users to communicate, but also has a functional that can benefit the company such as providing solutions to some of the problems that are being experienced by a company. Therefore neurobot ai from Olportal not only has one function, but can also be developed into several functions so that it can be utilized by each individual.

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