Adding the pieces to my puzzle — why I enjoy programming.

Halling Ida
2 min readApr 3, 2022

I started a six month web development boot camp in January of 2022, without a full nights rest for more than a year and a toddler sometimes screaming outside the door, sometimes so cute that my heart swoons and the focus drift. The hardest part isn’t always the lack of sleep, it‘ s rather to wrap my aesthetic mind around the concept of code.

So why am I doing this? That question has many answers, but one thing i realized during this journey is that I really love building things!

Before this boot camp I’ve spent most of my working life doing photography; building sets, creating scenes and turning them into nice looking imagery. Then I created this wonderful little human, I hade some help of course and that goes for every “project” i do. The team spirit is high, both in class and at home. Setting aside the struggles I might have, taking the decision to add this coding skill to my toolbox is fun and takes my building ambitions to new levels. Now I can build things that people can interact with (baby aside 😉) — how cool isn’t that!

And the similarities keeps appearing, with photography I often find my self loosing track of time, hours pass when creation takes place and I go into my bubble. I’m thrilled that I found another place were I can go into this “zone”. Until the toddler demands my attention that is. They say balance is key, will try my best to embrace that.

