How I handle NOT getting stressed out at a frontend boot camp.

Halling Ida
2 min readMay 3, 2022

When things gets tough (and they do all of the time 🎢) I try to look up in order to see the bigger picture and focus on why am i doing this. I stick post-its on everything around my workspace to remind myself. Eyes on the price, tiger. (I don’t normally call myself that but it’s the name of my team so…)

I remind myself that I can’t understand everything. It’s like when I had physics in high school, I couldn’t get past the fact that we are made of atoms (visualization: me starring at my hand, no drugs was included). Still passed the class though. I’ve set my target to accepting that I don’t understand. I move on and when I look back, like two weeks later cause things go quick around here, the sound of pennies dropping is massive.

This quick step boot camp is about me getting in touch with a lot of programing tools and languages, and digging deeper is for the rest of my life. Luckily statistics say I got a whole lot of years left, probably 49 at the least.

I made it part of my routine to do physical exercising, wind down for the night and take breaks during the day. If I collapse I wont be able to learn a single thing. So when frustration arises, because knowledge is a sweet fruit (and problems are for solving), I really need to keep my cool.

