
2 min readApr 25, 2023


Jack is a friend of mine and he is a very talented artist.

He is very confident and has a very strong personality. He is always energetic and very creative. We all love him because he always brings us joy and inspiration.

He could surprise and surprise people with his creativity. Jack’s artworks are full of illusionary elements, which makes his works very unique and interesting. His paintings are full of strange images and colors that give a strong visual impact.

He is also very interested in the emerging technologies of web3 and believes that the decentralization and transparency of blockchain technology can revolutionize the art industry.

Jack has already begun to explore the possibilities of web3 in his work. Using himself as a role model, he has produced this series of NFTs to allow his fans to own his unique artwork.

A total of 777 copies of this series were released, containing Jack in different states and in different costumes, a state he feels is like the feeling after using hallucinogens.

We are about to release an NFT under the name hallucinogen and it will be out soon!




Come to 777 Trend Club, drink, dance, lie down and be versatile.