Alex Griffith
2 min readJul 28, 2016


This article is downright insulting. This garbage is not just poorly written. The article goes as far as to use its own formatting to patronize the reader. Never before have I witnessed a work of literature so condescending, so haughty in its composition that it would highlight the first sentence and then put a label “Top highlight” next to it. Absolutely absurd. The author, Jack Black in Nacho Libre, clearly views us Americans as unintelligent primates.

This article is such a lengthy piece of drivel that I could not even bear to read it in its entirety. I ended up scrolling to the end to see that the articled ended with — you guessed it — “The end.” The nerve! Does this author seriously believe that I am incapable of interpreting the fact that the absence of more words on the page past a certain point indicates the end of the article? I have never been so offended.

This absolute trite embodies all that is wrong with society today, particularly in the Republican Party. Not to mention it uses subliminal messaging to squeeze more ad revenue out of us. For example, take the picture that has Donald Trump giving a thumbs-up. Note how, at least on the desktop variant of the site, his thumb points up directly at the author’s name and “FOLLOW” button. This subliminal messaging is further present in the tags of the article. They are as follows: “Donald Trump”, “Presidential Candidate”, “US Elections”, “Politics”, and “Cheetos”. Cheetos?! Has the Republican party seriously stooped as low as to exploit hunger, a basic human instinct, for their own gain? That is, as the millennials say, “shady af”.

This is all clearly more work of the Republican Party to covertly dismantle democracy and reduce this wonderful nation to a wasteland of racism, intolerance, and Diet Pepsi. Wake up, America.



Alex Griffith

Web developer in Indiana and purveyor of interesting or unusual bits of tech.