The Platform is Delayed

Halo Platform
3 min readFeb 13, 2018

Late Sunday night and into early Monday morning we broke our test net during a new test scenario. We worked to resolve the issue all day Monday and into Monday evening. Monday Night of the 12th of February the team had a round table discussion to decide if we should release the next day or not. It was decided that the professional and responsible thing to do would be to delay the launch in order to protect the integrity of the network. Overnight our founder Scott Morrison prepared a statement to outline what happened and where we go from here. Here is that statement.

Coin Network — Delayed

We regret to inform users that Halo Platform’s coin network will not be going live today as expected.

During the last two weeks of stress testing on our private testnet with our QA team we discovered a few scenarios that could lead to a blockchain failure. Given that we are not a simple clone of Ethereum, there are several components that, whilst work perfectly in isolation, have demonstrated certain security issues when married together. We have been, and continue to work relentlessly and tirelessly on these bug fixes and expect that they will be shortly resolved.

In addition to these potentially problematic issues with our software, we have received concern from the community and some of our experienced developers around launching a main net without first launching a test net.

In light of the above, we are delaying the live release until these issues are resolved and the network has been stress tested realistically. We anticipate launching a testnet next week which serves the purpose of allowing users to configure their mining software and also to test the network for any final bugs prior to launch.

We understand that another delay is majorly disappointing but with such great potential so close to our grasp we do not want to go live with a system that might have vulnerabilities. Our team has been working extremely long hours to make this happen. We feel strongly about this and hope you understand. We ask for your support in testing and in being patient for what we expect is a short amount of time.

Featherlite Client — On Track

Our team of engineers have poured hours upon hours into our Featherlite client. It has grown from an initial concept to replace MIST into a full blown client of its own. It currently supports using a light node, full node, private node, and soon remote nodes similar to how MetaMask allows it through Infura. (We are basically building our own Infura). We have an initial product completed and ready for testing, but have a lot of features in our own backlog that the team has come up with to add into the platform. We will continue to add polish and refine the Featherlite client for official release. Shortly after testnet is released, the Featherlite client will be released to test net participants as well.

Exchange — Update:

We have a dedicated team working very hard on the Exchange.We are making great progress and anticipate an initial release of the Exchange in Quarter Two of 2018 if not sooner. Early signs from transaction throughput places our exchange technology among the top tiers of cryptocurrency exchanges, with transaction speed and throughput exceeding that of recently announced exchange speeds that have wowed investors and traders.

Halo Platform’s Exchange will leverage complex risk algorithms to detect and trap malicious access, self trades, system abuse or social engineering, in addition to capturing and providing familiar metrics such as VaR from real trade data and historical product correlations.

Our developers and network engineers are working closely on designing our proprietary backend systems to handle high volume, at scale, with a goal of faster fills and less down time vis-a-vis other exchanges in the space.

Game Studio — Update:

Block & Chain Game Studio is working towards the release of their first game Blockfight. This game marries high quality 3D art and immersive scenes with the decentralized and distributed technology of the Halo Platform blockchain.

Behind that is a second game code named “Genesis” that sets the bar at an even higher level and introduces a world of lore, fiction, and RPG the likes of which the cryptocurrency world has never seen before. Using blockchain technology within the roots of the core game mechanics it truly is a game built around and enabled by the blockchain.

Thank You,
Scott Morrison

If you have questions, concerns, or comments please join our discord to discuss them:



Halo Platform

A cryptocurrency platform for your entire crypto-sphere. Congregate. Organize. Strategize. Execute.