This is a personal life story of recovering from addict.

7 min readJan 21, 2023


My name is John, and I am a recovering addict. I have been clean for over five years now, and I have decided to write a book about my journey to share my story and help others who may be going through similar struggles.

One of the most important aspects of my recovery was my support system. When I first realized that I had a problem with addiction, I was ashamed and felt like I had hit rock bottom. I didn’t know where to turn or who to talk to. But eventually, I mustered up the courage to reach out to my friends and family for help.

At first, it was difficult to open up about my addiction and let people in on my secret. I was afraid of rejection, judgement, and disappointment. But as I began to share my story with others, I realized that I was not alone. Many of my loved ones had gone through similar struggles, and they were willing to support me and help me get through it.

My family and friends provided me with emotional support, understanding, and encouragement. They helped me find resources and treatment options, and they stuck by me through the ups and downs of my recovery. They were my rock when I felt like giving up, and they were the ones who helped me see that there was hope for a better future.

I also found support and guidance through support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. These groups provided me with a sense of community, and I was able to connect with other people who were going through the same thing. I was able to learn from their experiences and gain a better understanding of addiction and recovery.

It is important to note that support groups are not for everyone, and some people may find different ways of support to be more beneficial for them. The most important thing is thatthe individual finds a support system that works for them. This could also include therapy, counseling, or other forms of professional help.

It is also worth noting that my support system was not just limited to my friends and family. I also found support in my community and in the form of various organizations that are dedicated to helping those struggling with addiction. These organizations provided me with the resources and information I needed to navigate the recovery process and find the right treatment options.

In conclusion, my support system was one of the most crucial elements of my recovery. Without the love and support of my friends and family, and the guidance and resources provided by support groups and organizations, I may not have been able to overcome my addiction. It is important for anyone struggling with addiction to understand that they are not alone and that there are people and resources available to help them on their journey to recovery.

The second important aspect of my recovery journey was developing a sense of purpose and direction. When I first got clean, I felt lost and unsure of what to do with my life. I had spent so much time and energy focused on my addiction that I had lost sight of my goals and aspirations.

To help me find direction, I turned to photography. I had always had an interest in photography, but I had never pursued it as a hobby or career. But in early recovery, I found that taking pictures and capturing the beauty of the world around me helped me find peace and fulfillment. It gave me a sense of purpose and something to focus on other than my addiction.

As I delved deeper into photography, I realized that it could be more than just a hobby. I started taking classes, reading books and experimenting with different techniques. I found that I had a real talent for it and that it was something I could see myself doing long-term. I began to see photography as a way to not just heal myself but to also help others.

I started volunteering at a local charity, where I used my photography skills to help tell the stories of people in need. This experience was incredibly rewarding and it helped me to understand the power of photography and how it can be used to make a positive impact on the world.

Furthermore, I started to learn more about the history of photography and its impact on society. I read about the works of famous photographers and how they used their art to document important events and movements. I also learned about the role of photography in therapy and how it can be used as a tool for self-expression and healing.

In summary, finding a sense of purpose and direction was a vital step in my recovery. Photography gave me a new perspective on life and helped me find meaning and fulfillment in my newfound sobriety. It also allowed me to give back to my community and make a positive impact on the world.

The third important aspect of my recovery journey was facing and overcoming the challenges that came with rebuilding my life. One of the biggest challenges I faced was the fear of rejection. After years of living a secretive and destructive lifestyle, I was filled with shame and guilt. I was afraid that people would reject me or judge me for my past mistakes.

This fear of rejection manifested in many ways. I was hesitant to form new relationships and I struggled to rebuild old ones. I found it difficult to trust people and I often pushed people away before they had the chance to hurt me. I was also afraid to pursue my passion for photography, as I was worried that people would reject my work or think less of me.

Another challenge I faced during my recovery was rebuilding my life after so much destruction. My addiction had taken a toll on my relationships, my career, and my overall well-being. I had to start from scratch in many areas of my life, and it was a difficult and daunting task.

I had to find a new job, a new place to live, and new friends. It was a long and difficult process, but I knew that it was necessary for my recovery. I had to let go of my old life and create a new one that was free from the negative influences and unhealthy patterns of my past.

One of the most difficult things about rebuilding my life was learning to trust people again. My addiction had damaged many of my relationships and it was hard to know who I could trust. I had to take things slow, and build relationships one step at a time. It was a difficult process, but it was worth it in the end.

During this process, I also had to learn how to be vulnerable again. I had to let people in and let them see the real me, and that was a scary thing. But as I began to open up and be honest with people, I found that they were more accepting and supportive than I had imagined.

In addition, rebuilding my career was another challenge. I had lost my job due to my addiction and it was hard to find a new one. I found myself constantly facing rejections, but I didn’t give up. I kept applying for jobs and eventually I found one that was a good fit for me.

Rebuilding my life was not easy, it was a long and difficult process that required patience, perseverance, and a lot of hard work. But with the help of mysupport system, I was able to overcome the fear of rejection and the difficulties of rebuilding relationships and rebuilding my life.

One of the things that helped me the most was to focus on the present and take things one day at a time. I didn’t try to rush the process or expect things to go back to the way they were overnight. I also learned that it was important to be kind to myself and to give myself time to heal.

Another important aspect was seeking professional help. I found that therapy and counseling were incredibly helpful in dealing with my fear of rejection, rebuilding relationships, and rebuilding my life. I was able to work through my past experiences, and learn new ways of coping with the challenges I faced.

I also found that connecting with others in recovery was extremely beneficial. Hearing others’ stories, and understanding that I wasn’t alone in my struggles helped me to find hope and inspiration. I shared my own story with others and it helped me to find the strength to keep going.

In conclusion, rebuilding my life was one of the most challenging parts of my recovery journey. But with the help of my support system, professional help and connecting with others, I was able to overcome the fear of rejection, rebuild relationships, and create a new life for myself. It was a difficult and often painful process, but it was worth it in the end. I learned that recovery is a lifelong process and that there is always hope for a better future.

this is part one of my story im gonna add the 2nd part soon thank you for reading my story it real mean a lot for me ❤

