Getting Started with Ruby on Rails 7

Hamad Rana
2 min readDec 28, 2022


Rails 7 is the latest version of the popular web development framework for the Ruby programming language. It includes several new features and improvements that make it easier for developers to build and maintain web applications.

To get started with Rails 7, you will need to install Ruby and Rails on your system. If you are using a Mac or Linux operating system, you can use the package manager to install Ruby. If you are using Windows, you can download and install the Ruby installer from the official website.

Once you have Ruby and Rails installed, you can create a new Rails project by using the rails new command. This will create a new directory with the basic structure and files needed for a Rails application.

To start the Rails development server, navigate to the root directory of your project and run the rails server command. This will start the server and make your application available at http://localhost:3000.

In Rails, controllers handle incoming HTTP requests and render the corresponding views. You can create a new controller using the rails generate controller command. For example, to create a controller for articles, you can use the following command: rails generate controller articles. This will create a new articles_controller.rb file in the app/controllers directory and a corresponding view directory in app/views.

To create a new route for your controller, you can use the resources method in the routes.rb file. This will create a set of default routes for your controller, such as index, show, new, edit, create, update, and destroy. You can also create custom routes by using the get, post, patch, and delete methods.

Rails uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application logic from the user interface. The model represents the data and business logic of the application, the view is responsible for rendering the user interface, and the controller manages the interaction between the model and the view.

To create a new model, you can use the rails generate model command. This will create a new model file in the app/models directory and a corresponding migration file in the db/migrate directory. Migrations are used to manage changes to the database schema, such as creating or modifying tables.

Rails also includes support for databases through Active Record, which is a library that provides an interface for working with database records. To connect to a database, you will need to specify the database adapter and connection details in the config/database.yml file. Rails supports a wide range of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

There are many other features and capabilities of Rails 7, including support for web sockets, Action Cable, and parallel testing. With its powerful and flexible tools, Rails makes it easy for developers to build and maintain web applications of any size and complexity.

