Am I Enough?

Hamed Noroozi
2 min readJul 31, 2023


I’m Kenough! — Ken, Barbie 2023

As funny as it looked, at first sight, it got me thinking. It took me to the classic question that kept me awake for nights:

Am I enough?

I felt all the weight of this question on my shoulders again.

We are humans, the supreme creatures on this planet. Highest of primates. We think, we analyze and we create, yet we are so incapable of understanding love.

We have to earn the love, that’s why we seek it where we should not. We stray from nature further every day. Animals love their babies until they are strong to survive. We love our babies if they are strong to survive.

Somehow we are doomed to fight for what we naturally received for millions of years.

Am I enough? What describes enough? Who sets the rules?

You either eat or get eaten.

So many ages to reach this point. Disappointing. We are the most civilized of our ancestors so far, yet we still live by the jungle’s laws.

I kept thinking. All Ken wanted was love and society had him fighting for it, got him through a traumatizing transformation and he got love.

Love isn’t love when you are broken though.

Am I enough?

Am I obligated to be enough? Wasn’t I brought to this life to be loved? To get what I was unconditionally assigned to?

Maybe we are children of Kens and Barbies who were not loved. We are looping through a wheel we didn’t start and we spin and spin until we don’t.

I’m a Ken who wants to be in love with his Barbie, yet he struggles if he’s enough to be loved.

