Having trouble with require or require_once in PHP class files? Upgrade your project by implementing autoload with PSR-4.

Hamid Rohani
2 min readFeb 13, 2024


Autoloading in PHP is a crucial aspect of modern development that simplifies the process of including class files in our projects. Composer, the package manager for PHP, offers a convenient way to manage dependencies and set up autoloading. In this article, we’ll delve into the concepts of autoloading and PSR-4 in Composer, exploring how they work and how they benefit PHP developers.


Traditionally, including class files in PHP required manual require or include statements for each class, leading to cluttered code and potential errors. Autoloading addresses this issue by automatically loading class files when they are needed, eliminating the need for manual includes.

Composer Autoloading:

Composer simplifies autoloading through its composer.json file, where we define autoloading rules for our project. By specifying autoload directives, Composer generates an autoloader script that handles class loading dynamically.


PHP Standards Recommendation 4 (PSR-4) is a standard established by the PHP-FIG, providing a common convention for autoloading PHP classes based on namespaces. PSR-4 simplifies class and file organization, making it easier to manage large codebases and collaborate on projects.

Understanding PSR-4:

PSR-4 defines a mapping between namespaces and directory structures. For example, if we have a class under the namespace App and it resides in the app/ directory, we would define this mapping in the composer.json file.

├── composer.json
└── app/
└── MyClass.php
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"

In this example, "App\\": "app/" specifies that classes under the App namespace are located in the app/ directory. The double backslashes \\ escape the backslash character in JSON.

Practical Implementation:

Suppose we have a class MyClass under the App namespace, defined in the app/MyClass.php file. With PSR-4 autoloading configured, we can simply use the class in our code without manual includes:

use App\MyClass;

$obj = new MyClass();

Composer’s autoloader will dynamically load the MyClass.php file based on the PSR-4 mapping, ensuring seamless class loading in our project.


Autoloading and PSR-4 in Composer streamline PHP development by automating the process of class loading. By adhering to standards and conventions, developers can maintain clean, organized codebases and focus on building robust applications. Understanding these concepts is essential for mastering modern PHP development and leveraging Composer’s powerful features effectively.

